Yoga Journal Singapore — February 09, 2018

(Marcin) #1


february / march 2018

Lengthen the hamstrings, hone

midline awareness, and cultivate

balance with theseprep posesfor

Adho Mukha Vrksasana.

Find your edge and shift your weight

into your hands as you movestep by

stepinto Adho Mukha Vrksasana.

ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA Downward-Facing Dog Pose

BENEFITSStrengthens your upper body; lengthens your hamstring and
calf muscles; fosters introspection and calm

INSTRUCTIONSStart in Tabletop. Place your palms shoulder-width apart,
with your pointer fingers parallel. Ground evenly through all four corners
of your palms. Externally rotate your upper-arm bones and internally
rotate your forearms. On an exhalation, tuck your toes, lift your knees,
and straighten your legs. Your feet should be sitting-bones-width apart.
Lift your quadriceps and press your thighbones away from your chest

and arms. Reach your sitting bones up and your heels down, stretching
the backs of your legs. As you press your palms down into the floor,
reach your pelvis in the opposite direction and lengthen through your
side waist. Avoid rounding your upper back. Smooth out your front
ribs. Contract the middle and lower trapezius muscles, between and
below your shoulder blades, so that you can soften the upper trapezius
muscles along your neck. Stay here for 10 breaths before exhaling back
to Tabletop.

1 Start in Adho Mukha Svanasana. Bring your feet together at the midline;
spread your palms and press them into the floor. Stretch through the sides
of your waist and fortify your legs. Start to lift your heels, shifting some of
your weight into the balls of your feet.


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Adho Mukha Vrksasana


Energizes, builds confidence, hones attention and focus, and
shifts perspective; strengthens your upper body; reverses the
effects of gravity (compression and shortening) on your spine

Adho = Downward · Mukha = Face · Vrksa = Tree · Asana = pose

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