Yoga Journal Singapore — February 09, 2018

(Marcin) #1


february / march 2018

2 Step your right foot forward halfway to your hands and bring
your shoulders over your wrists. Allow your right knee to bend.
Keep the ball of your right foot on the floor but lift your heel. Press
down firmly through your hands and lift your left leg into Standing
Splits. Remember to lift your left inner thigh toward the ceiling and
make your leg straight, like an arrow. Wrap your biceps forward.
Push firmly down into your hands and make your arms completely
straight, like pillars. Find a focal point, or drishti, on the ground, a
few inches in front of your hands.

Standing Splits

BENEFITS Stretches the hamstrings of your standing leg; strengthens
the hamstrings and glutes of your lifted leg; cultivates balance and shifts

INSTRUCTIONS Stand in Tadasana. Inhale to Urdhva Hastasana and then
exhale to Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend). Firmly ground down
through your standing, right foot and lift your right quadricep muscles.
Inhale and lead with your inner thigh as you lift your left leg. Make sure
you internally rotate your left leg and hug the midline with the inner
seam of your leg. Don’t let the left hip open or the left leg bend. Extend
the spine so that the back doesn’t round. Hold for 8 breaths and then
release the left leg down. Take an easy Uttanasana, then switch sides.

Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose

BENEFITS Strengthens and stretches your legs; teaches the entry to

INSTRUCTIONS From Tadasana, draw your right knee to your chest and yogi
toe-lock your right big toe. Point your left foot forward, lift your left kneecap,
and press your left femur back. Keep your chest lifted. Exhale and straighten
your right leg as much as possible. Roll your outer right hip down, away
from your armpit. Either keep your left hand on your left hip or extend your
arm alongside your left ear. Keep your pelvis neutral, and use your breath
to spread your chest. Hold for 8 breaths. To come out, bend your right knee,
release your toe, and hug your knee in before returning your right foot to the
floor. Repeat on the other side. The standing leg becomes the first leg up into
Handstand, so it’s crucial that it remains straight; the lifted leg, however, can
bend if necessary.

3 Keep your arms firm. Bend
your right knee deeply and take
a small hop off the right foot. It is
paramount that as you transition
weight onto your hands, you lift
up through your inner left thigh
(as opposed to reaching your left
leg behind you). Draw your low
belly in to support your pelvis. Do
not aim to get your legs overhead;
instead, aim to place your pelvis
over your chest and shoulders.
When you lead with your legs
and not your pelvis, you will
often backbend and find balance
elusive. Eventually, you will be
able to bring your right leg parallel
to the floor into an inverted Utthita
Hasta Padangusthasana. At this
stage, don’t lift the right leg
higher—it will serve as an anchor
and keep you from flipping over.
Once you have your right leg
parallel to the floor, internally
rotate your thighs, drawing them

energetically into the midline. Your legs
should feel like scissor blades: bolted
firmly into their common point (the
pelvis) and moving along, but not away
from, the midline.
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