
(Axel Boer) #1


may/june 2018


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Strengthen your legs and cor

with theseprep posesfor U

Upavistha Konasana Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

Increases mobility and circulation in your pelvis; stretches your
hamstrings; lengthens your sides.

Instruction A
From Down Dog, exhale and step (or jump) forward to sit down. Straighten
your legs and flex your feet. Open your straight legs away from one another
with toes and knees pointing up. Reach forward to grab the outsides of your feet
(bring your legs slightly closer if needed). Lift your torso, straighten your arms,
draw the outer edges of your feet back, and ground through your outer knees,
thighs, and hips. At the same time, press through the inside edges of your ankles
and feet. On an exhalation, move your torso forward and down toward the floor.
Relax your neck. If your head rests on the floor, reach your chin forward and gaze
down your nose. Hold for at least 5 breaths. On an inhalation, lengthen your torso
away from the floor. On an exhalation, release your feet and sit up. Proceed to B.

Instruction B
Sit tall with your arms outstretched, and lean back slightly until you feel your low
belly engage. Inhale, and lift straight legs up to straight arms, grabbing the outside
edges of your feet—or slightly bend your knees to connect your hands to your feet,
then slowly extend your legs. Keep your legs wide, lift your chest, point your toes,
and begin to gaze up. Keep drawing your waist in, breathing up into your chest.
Again, hold for at least 5 breaths.

Parsvottanasana Intense Side Stretch Pose

Tones your waist; stretches and strengthens your legs from feet to hips.

Stand in Samasthiti (Equal Standing Posture). Lift the arches of your feet,
spread the balls of your feet, and ground your heels. Lift your knees,
thigh muscles, pelvic floor, low belly, and chest. Take your arms in
reverse prayer (or grab opposite elbows behind your back). Inhale, and
step your right foot behind you (about 3 feet). Turn on your heels to face
the back of your mat. Point your right foot straight out in front, and turn
your back foot out 60–90 degrees. Square your hips over your right leg.
Exhale, and fold at your hips, bringing your head toward your right
knee. Gaze at your knee until your head is connected to your leg; once

Supta Padangusthasana
Reclining Hand-to-Big Toe Pose

Strengthens your legs and abdominals; improves circulation
in your legs, abdomen, pelvis, and spine.

From Down Dog, exhale and step (or jump) forward to sit down.
Straighten your legs, and lie on your back. Squeeze your legs
together, and point your toes. Draw your navel toward your spine.
Rest your right hand on your right thigh. Inhale and lift your left leg
to meet your left hand. Flex your left foot; hold your left big toe with
your second and third fingers and thumb. Exhale, and lift your head

contact is made, gaze at your ankle or big toe. Lengthen your
sides and relax your neck. Hold for at least 5 breaths. Inhale to lift
your torso, and pivot to the left on your heels to switch sides.

and chest to your left leg. Try to draw in at your waist. Hold for
at least 5 breaths. On an inhalation, lower your head. On an
exhalation, lower your leg. Repeat on the other side.


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