
(Axel Boer) #1


may/june 2018

Ubhaya = Both ada = Foot ngusta = Big Toe · sana = Pose
Big Toe Pose

Ubhaya Padangusthasana

Strengthen your abdominals as you move

step by step into Ubhaya Padangusthasana


Tones your abdomen; applies acupressure to your big toes
(which relate to head and brain health in Chinese reflexology).





1 From Down Dog, exhale and step (or jump)
forward to sit down. Extend your legs straight
out in front of you. Lie on your back, firm your
legs together, and point your toes. Press your
arms against the floor by your sides with palms
facing down. Gently draw in your waist on all

2 On an inhalation, keep your legs together
and lift them all the way overhead to the floor
behind you. Flex your feet so that your toe tips
touch the floor, with the soles of your feet facing
away from your back. On an exhalation, reach
your arms overhead to hold your big toes with
your second and third fingers and your thumbs
(as you did in Supta Padangusthasana). Try to
reach your hips high over your head, and keep
your arms and legs straight. Reach up actively
through your low back and hips, and lengthen
through your heels. On an exhalation, draw in
all sides of your waist.

3 Very gently, press off the balls of your feet,
letting a smooth and continuous inhale carry
your body up to a balanced seated position.
Maintain a firm hold on your big toes, and keep
your arms and legs straight along the way.

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