The Socratic Method Today Student-Centered and Transformative Teaching in Political Science

(Frankie) #1

Trump, Donald 138, 146– 7
Turkle, Sherry 140

United States, or America 2, 70–8, 85, 94, 125–6,
128, 130, 154
university 2, 9, 59, 73, 81, 83, 85, 115, 138– 48
University of Pennsylvania 73

Van Morrison 115
Vaughan, John 76
Vlastos, Gregory 12, 47– 8
Voegelin, Eric 27– 8

Ward, Ann 1, 47
Watts, Isaac 71, 73;The Improvement
of the Mind 73
Whipple Jr., Robert D. 1
Wilberding, Erick 1
Winstanley, Carrie 118, 120
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 158– 9

Xenophon 12, 23, 70, 73, 76–8, 85;Memorabilia
24, 77, 85

Zeus 23

Index 169
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