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om body
- Squat
Bend the knees and walk the feet as wide as
the mat. Slightly turn out the feet and come
into a squat. If your heels lift off the floor place
bricks under the heels or the seat. Bring the
hands to prayer position and use the arms
against the legs. Keep the knees tracking over
the middle toes and extend the spine. Stay for
10 breaths then sit down.
4. Teepee twist
With legs straight out in front of you, bend
the knees and place the feet together. Hold
onto the knees and twist the spine to the right
placing the hand on the floor an arms length
distance away. Look over the right shoulder
for 5 breaths then change to twist to the left
side and extend both legs.
5. Seated half spinal twist
(ardha matsyendrasana)
Bend the right knee over the extended leg to
the outside of the left knee and press the left
elbow on the outside of right leg, twisting to
the right side. Breathe 5 breaths then change
sides and then extend both legs straight.