Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1

not helpful and to reflect upon what made the feedback unhelpful. Then ask
students to share what made their feedback situations helpful and unhelpful, and
list these on the board. Add to the list any characteristics they may have

  • Next, using the definition of feedback presented at the beginning of this appen-
    dix, ask students to generate examples of the four types of feedback.

  • Finally, ask students to find a partner and discuss this question: “What can you
    do to help yourself feel safe enough to receive all types of feedback?” Then open
    a discussion with the whole group about strategies to make feedback easier to
    give and receive in this course or clinical rotation.
    Estimated time: 45 min.

Appendix 1.6: Student-Generated Discussion Questions Activity

Inform students they will meet several times during the course for a facilitated dis-
cussion. Tell them they will remain with the same group of students for each of
these discussions. They are required to develop questions (one per discussion), as

a. Develop one question based on readings, classroom activities, your own personal
reflections about genetic counseling, etc. Your question can address broad topics/
issues or be more specific in nature.
b. Give your written question to the instructor on the day of each discussion. Write
your name on your question so you receive proper credit for it.
The instructor randomly selects one or two questions from those received and
leads the group in a 15–20-min discussion. Authors of selected questions are not
identified by the instructor.

Instructor Note

  • The questions tend to change as the semester progresses, so advise students
    against writing all of their questions at one time.

  • We suggest you retain everyone’s discussion questions and attempt to address
    them at various times throughout the semester.

  • Students seem to have the most appreciation for this activity when the discussion
    includes generation of concrete ideas for how to best address the issues reflected
    in the discussion questions.

  • If there are multiple small discussion groups, you can lead a whole class discus-
    sion asking each small group to summarize their comments for one question,
    adding your own elaborations and clarifications.

Objective This activity provides opportunities for students to critically reflect
upon important counseling issues, including those that are important to them.

Appendix 1.6: Student-Generated Discussion Questions Activity

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