Facilitating the Genetic Counseling Process Practice-Based Skills, Second Edition

(vip2019) #1


Appendix 1.7: Genetic Counseling Interview Analysis

The instructor (or “guest counselor”) models an entire genetic counseling session
with a volunteer “patient” who is not a class member, while the students observe.
The session is video recorded so students can review it later when preparing the
written assignment. Students should be instructed to refer to Appendix 1 for a list of
basic skills to guide them when observing the session.
Estimated time: 60 min.

At the end of the session, students break into small groups to discuss what they
Estimated time: 30 min.

A 1.7.1 Written Assignment

Based on the counseling session you observed, prepare a 6–7-page, word-processed,
double-spaced paper describing the following:

A 1.7.2 Background Information

Demographics: A demographic description of the patient (e.g., age, gender, ethnic-
ity, general appearance, socioeconomic status, manner of presentation, and moti-
vation for participating in genetic counseling).
Patient Presenting Concerns/Session Expectations: How did the patient describe
her/his concerns? Why is she/he seeking genetic counseling?
Medical and Family History: Summarize the patient’s history and provide a risk
assessment, if appropriate.
Working Conceptualization: How would you describe the patient’s concerns? What
is your working conceptualization/hypotheses about this patient’s major (a) med-
ical, (b) genetic, and (c) psychosocial issues? Give evidence to support your

A 1.7.3 Counseling Process

a. Evaluate the counseling relationship the genetic counselor formed. What did the
counselor do to establish such a relationship? [Hint: Using the types of skills
presented in this course, name each skill used by the genetic counselor, and
describe the general effect(s) of each skill on this patient. Include brief quota-
tions from the session to illustrate each skill.]
b. What goals did the counselor seem to have for this session?
c. What could the counselor have done differently?

1 Guidelines forfiBook Users: Instructors, Supervisors, andfiStudents
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