A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

  • Lift the sternum away from the hips and lengthen the back of the

  • Gently relax the shoulders away from the ears and spread the shoul-
    der blades.

  • Gaze ahead or allow the chin to slightly tilt down, lengthening the
    back of the neck.

Modi cations and Other Options

  • Place a block under the sitz bones for support.

  • If the heels lift off the  oor, spread the feet wider. If the heels still do
    not touch  oor, place a rolled blanket or yoga mat under the heels
    for support.

  • For a bonus shoulder and chest stretch, reach the left arm around
    the front of the left shin and reach the right arm around behind the
    back (1). If you’re able, grasp your  ngers together and open the
    right side of your chest (if shoulders are tight, you can always use a
    strap). Repeat on the other side.



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