A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


The Three Primary Nadis

The nadis are fine, wirelike channels that run throughout the body, transferring
the flow of prana. Just like excess fats can accumulate in the blood vessels
and block the flow of blood, a buildup of waste in the nadis can block the flow
of prana. These blockages inhibit the natural movement of energy. Energy
decreases, and the body becomes lethargic. Activation of the higher brain and
chakras is impeded. Exercising the body with mindfulness, eating wholesome
food, and pranayama practice ensure that the nadis remain open and pure.
Classic yoga texts offer several perspectives on the number of nadis, but they
all cite thousands and thousands of channels. Although there are thousands of
nadis, the three most important are the sushumna, ida, and pingala.

  • The sushumna nadi originates at the base of the spine in the tailbone. It moves
    up to the crown of the head. Within this central channel are located the seven

  • The pingala nadi starts at the base of the spine and spirals up to the right nostril.
    The pingala is aligned with yang energy, representing a strong, masculine, and
    solar energy. It is also related to the sympathetic nervous system. Right-nostril
    breathing is linked to the left hemisphere of the brain, the analytical, logical, and
    reasoning part of the brain.

  • The ida nadi starts at the base of the spine and spirals up to the left nostril. The
    ida is aligned with yin energy, representing a receptive, feminine, and lunar
    energy. It is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system. Left-nostril
    breathing is linked to the right hemisphere of the brain, the creative, imagina-
    tive, and intuitive part of the brain.

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