A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Metta is the Pali word for loving kindness. Pali was the language spoken in
India during the time of the Buddha. In this traditional metta meditation,
loving-kindness is directed toward different categories of people. Metta med-
itation does not depend on whether one deserves loving-kindness or not, it
is not restricted to friends and family, and it extends out from personal con-
nections to include all beings. The meditation begins with loving ourselves,
because unless we have love for ourselves, it is difficult to extend it to others.
Eventually, we expand beyond ourselves to include others who are special
to us and then to the whole planet. Throughout the meditation, repeat the
following three phrases:

May you be safe.
May you be happy.
May you be at peace.

Call yourself to mind. See yourself as you are today or visualize yourself
as a young child. As you hold yourself compassionately, send the phrases of
loving kindness to yourself.
Next, call to mind a benefactor or someone who supported you. This
could be a teacher, mentor, family member, friend, or spiritual guide. See this
person clearly in your mind and send them the phrases.
Third, bring to mind someone you love and care for. See this person
clearly in your mind and send them the phrases.
Fourth, bring to mind a neutral person. This is someone you can see
clearly in your mind, but whom you do not have strong feelings of like or
dislike for. This might be someone you see at the grocery store, in your
neighborhood, or at your local coffee shop. You might not know their name
or know anything about them. See them clearly and send them the phrases.
Finally, bring to mind all beings everywhere. Visualize the world, your
local community, people both near and far, all animals and plants. Send all
beings everywhere the phrases of loving kindness.
At the end of your meditation, sit in complete stillness and silence. Finish
by feeling light, which is the key word in enlightenment. Slowly open your
eyes, bringing serenity with you, as you shift from the internal world back
to the external world.

Chakra Meditation

As we explored in depth in chapter 3, the chakras are the primary energy cen-
ters that run along the central corridor inside the spine. These energy centers
are connected to various elements, colors, mantras, and subtle qualities. The
following meditation is a way to purify and activate each of the seven chakras.
When repeating the affirmations and mantras, you can do so either silently or
out loud.

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