A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Finding a comfortable seated position, sit up tall and close your eyes, relax your
shoulders, and soften your face. Begin by taking a few steady breaths in and out
through the nose.
Bring your attention down into the tailbone, or the base of the spine, connecting
to the muladhara chakra. Keeping your attention in this place, visualize the color
red, and feel a connection to the element of earth. Repeat the following affirma-
tion, “I am grounded and steady.” After a short pause, repeat the bija mantra lam
three times. Take a few moments to imagine the muladhara chakra spinning in a
balanced, steady way.
Shift your attention up to the sacrum and pelvic basin, connecting to the swa-
dhisthana chakra. Holding your attention in this place, visualize the color orange,
and feel a connection to the element of water. Repeat the following affirmation, “I
am creative and fluid.” After a short pause, repeat the bija mantra vam three times.
Take a few moments to imagine the swadhisthana chakra spinning in a balanced,
steady way.
Bring your attention to the upper abdominals, or the solar plexus region, con-
necting to the manipura chakra. Holding your attention in this place, visualize the
color yellow, and feel a connection to the element of fire. Repeat the following
affirmation, “I am strong and powerful.” After a short pause, repeat the bija mantra
ram three times. Take a few moments to imagine the manipura chakra spinning in
a balanced, steady way.
Shift your attention up to the middle of the chest, connecting to the anahata
chakra. Holding your attention in this place, visualize the color green, and feel a
connection to the element of air. Repeat the following affirmation, “I am generous
and kind.” After a short pause, repeat the bija mantra yam three times. Take a few
moments to imagine the anahata chakra spinning in a balanced, steady way.
Bring your attention to the center of the throat, connecting to the vishuddha
chakra. Holding your attention in this place, visualize the color blue, and feel a
connection to the element of air. Repeat the following affirmation, “May my words
and speech uplift and inspire.” After a short pause, repeat the bija mantra hum
three times. Take a few moments to imagine the vishuddha chakra spinning in a
balanced, steady way.
Shift your focus up to the center of the forehead, connecting to the ajna chakra.
Holding your attention in this place, visualize the color purple, and feel a connec-
tion to the element of space. Repeat the following affirmation, “I am guided by
wisdom and intuition.” After a short pause, repeat the bija mantra om three times.
Take a few moments to imagine the ajna chakra spinning in a balanced, steady way.
Last, bring your awareness to the crown of the head, connecting to the sahasrara
chakra. Holding your attention there, visualize a white light emanating from the top
of the head. Feel yourself transcending all the elements. Repeat the following affir-
mation, “I am connected to my higher power.” After a short pause, sit in the power
of silence and stillness. Pause, and then finish by taking a few minutes to imagine
all seven chakras spinning in a balanced, steady way. Slowly, open the eyes.
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