A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


Yin Sequence 10: Prenatal

Our journey together is almost complete. Now that you have multiple sequences,
I encourage you to try them out. I hope you enjoy them and receive many benefits
from your yin practice. Before we wrap things up, join me in the next chapter for
inspiration and final thoughts.

This series was designed by pre- and postnatal expert instructor Desi Bartlett. This
series prepares mothers-to-be for childbirth by opening the hips, releasing tension
in the back, and triggering the relaxation response. Even if you are not pregnant,
it is a great sequence, so give it a go.

  1. Corpse pose on left side with
    a bolster or blanket between the
    knees (page 152).

  2. Melting heart with forearms
    on top of two blocks and fore-
    head relaxed on the bolster be-
    tween the arms (page 103)

  3. Child’s pose with wide knees
    and bolster under forehead (page

  1. Half-butterfly pose with side
    stretch, each side (pages 94-95)

  2. Sleeping swan, each side
    (page 123)

  3. Dragon pose, each side
    (page 128)

  4. Easy seated pose (page 118) 2. Squat (page 110)

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