A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1




asana—A physical posture.


autonomic nervous system (ANS)—The system that automatically con-
trols heart activity, blood pressure, breathing, intestinal activity, temperature
regulation, and multiple other functions. Sometimes called the subcon-
scious nervous system.

bandhas—Locks, or energy seals, that help control, contain, and harness
prana and that boost the potency of yoga techniques. They are often used
in yoga postures and pranayama.

bhakti yoga—The path of love and devotion.

bone—A dense type of connective tissue that protects organs, produces
red and white blood cells, stores minerals, and provides support and struc-
ture for the body.


cartilage—A fi rm but fl exible tissue made predominantly of protein fi bers
that protects the ends of long bones at the joints.

cell—The building block of life.

cell membrane—The sheath that surrounds the cell and contains the cyto-
plasm; defi ned in new biology as the brain of the cell.

chakras—The seven wheels or vortexes of energy that run through the
central channel of the spine.

chi—The Taoist word for source energy or life force.

collagen—The main component of fascia. Incredibly strong, it strengthens
blood vessels, keeps the skin strong, and helps build tissue by facilitating
the role of fi broblasts.

connective tissues—The tissues connecting, supporting, and binding the
body structures together. These include tendons, ligaments, bones, carti-
lage, joints, and fascia.

cytoplasm—The semifl uid substance between the nuclear membrane and
the cell membrane where the organelles (the cell’s organs) are located.

cytoskeleton—A scaffolding-like structure that gives the cell its shape and

dharana—The fi rst stage of meditation; involves focus and concentration.

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