A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1


dhyana—Meditation, or total absorption into the object that is being fo-
cused on.
elastin—A highly elastic protein found in the connective tissue. After tis-
sues in the body are stretched or contracted, elastin returns the tissues to
their original shape.
extracellular matrix (ECM)—The connective tissue, ground substance,
and interstitial space of the body.
fascia—A type of connective tissue enveloping the bones, muscles, and
fibroblast—A type of cell that builds collagen; it is the most common type
of cell in the connective tissue of animals. The primary function of fibro-
blasts is to maintain the structural integrity of connective tissues by secret-
ing materials that create the extracellular matrix.
gunas—Subtle qualities underlying all creation.
hatha yoga—The path of using physical postures and breathing tech-
niques as a way of balancing the solar and lunar energies.
hyaluronic acid (HA)—A type of fluid that fills the space between the
fibers and cells of the bodily tissues; it is nature’s moisturizer.
integral membrane proteins (IMPs)—The gates and channels embed-
ded in the cell membrane that link the individual cell to its surroundings.
integrins—A type of IMP that links the cytoskeleton to the extracellular
matrix. Facilitate important communication between the inner and outer
ishvara pranidhana—Celebration of the divine.
jing—Considered in Chinese medicine to be the essence of human life.
jnana yoga—The yoga of knowledge.
joint—Where two bones join together and link the skeletal system as a
kalapa—The smallest subatomic particle of physical matter.
karma yoga—The path of using thoughts, speech, and action in ways that
are of service to others.
koshas—The layers or sheaths of the human being.
kundalini—The serpent-like primal energy awakened through yoga prac-
ligament—Tissue that connects bone to bone, often supporting a joint.
meditation—A heightened state of awareness that allows true nature to be
nadi—A pathway or channel that prana flows through.
neuroplasticity—The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new
neural connections throughout life.
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