A Journey Into Yin Yoga

(Marcin) #1

niyama—Codes for noble living; self-discipline and spiritual practices in
relationship to ourselves.

nucleus—The part of the cell where DNA, important genetic information,
is found. Conventional science holds the belief that the nucleus is the cell’s

parasympathetic nervous system—The part of the autonomic nervous
system responsible for energy recovery, regeneration, repair, and relax-

Patanjali—A sage who systemized raja yoga into the eight limbs of yoga.

phase change—The point in a deep stretch, after approximately 90 sec-
onds, at which you begin to access the deep fascia and connective tissues.

prana—The yoga word for source energy or life force.

prana vayus—The winds of vitality.

pranayama—The expansion of life force through breathing exercises.

pratyahara—The control of or withdrawal from the five senses.

raja yoga—Known as royal yoga or classical yoga; focuses on meditation
and contemplation.

relaxin—A chemical produced in larger quantities during pregnancy that
increases flexibility in the ligaments and can lead to overstretching.

restorative yoga—A style of yoga in which relaxed positions, supported
by a variety of props, are held for long periods of time in order to switch
on the parasympathetic nervous system.

samadhi—Absolute oneness.





sympathetic nervous system—The part of the autonomic nervous sys-
tem responsible for energy production and the body’s ability to adapt to
stress through fight or flight.

synovial fluid—Fluid secreted by the synovial membrane; it minimizes
friction within the joint, making it easier for bones and cartilage to move
past each other.

Tao—The way; a road, channel, or path.

Taoism—A philosophical path whose roots date back to around 550 BCE
in China.


tendon—A tough band of dense, white, fibrous connective tissue that joins
a muscle to a bone.

tradak—The meditation practice of gazing at a candle flame.

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