Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1


‘1007 Anonymous’ 1n1, 2n3, 3n7, 5n15,
12n56, 13n59, 28n1, 32n21, 36n40, 37n47,
38n49, 40, 40n62, 43n77, 44n84, 46nn96–8,
47n99, 48n106, 49n111, 50n117, 51nn123,
124, 52, 53n145, 63n203, 86n116, 112n58,
114n65, 116n78, 117nn81, 83, 124n122,
130n154, 146n66, 167n19, 262n101,
266n1, 271

Abbot Bernard 233
abbot of Cluny 47, 146
abbot of Joigny 121
abbot of St Anthony in Pamiers 139
abbot of St Augustine of Canterbury 121, 137, 158
abbot of St Geneviève of Paris 121, 138
Abbot Suger of St Denis 211
abbots of St Jean de Vignes in Soissons and in
Valsecret 121
Abel 69
Abelard 199, 231
Abraham Abulafia 46, 52n128, 60, 60n188
accusations 12, 39, 70, 81, 82, 84n101, 85, 87,
89–91, 99, 130, 167, 168, 195, 196,
223n117, 244
Achille Ratti xiv
Acre ix, 101, 145n57, 159, 257, 266
Action Française xiv
Ad liberandam 18n81, 20, 123, 153, 155, 157,
161, 179
adders 219, 255
adextratores 239
Adhémar of le Monteil 111
Adrian I, pope 10, 247n8
adventus 235n64, 239–43, 245
adventus ceremonies 226, 232, 234–7,
241, 242
Africa 158
Aggadah 61
Aix 96n174, 215, 261
Alain of Lille 9, 9n45, 13n62, 222, 222n116
Albi 11, 95, 143, 143n49, 154
Albigensian Crusade 18, 18n82, 128–32, 152,
157, 179, 273
Alcuin of York 8n41
Alexander II, ‘Placuit nobis’ 75, 93, 124, 181,
230, 231, 258, 259
Alexander II, pope 4, 5n15, 11n50, 57, 75,
75n56, 79, 87n119, 93, 124, 124n121, 181,
208, 208n14, 216n96, 229, 229n21, 248,
257n67, 258, 258n77, 259, 259n79
Alexander III, pope 10n46, 12n38, 14, 15,
15nn70, 71, 16, 19, 20n96, 24, 24n118, 27,
33, 33n31, 43, 43n77, 47, 77, 79, 81,

112n58, 113, 113n60, 136, 137, 137nn6–9,
142–4, 147, 147n71, 164, 165, 165n5, 166,
166n11, 178, 179, 179n95, 182, 182n111,
188, 189, 192, 193, 193n196, 209,
209nn19–22, 232, 233, 235, 241–4, 250,
250n25, 252, 252n37
Alexander IV, pope 13n58, 17n76, 24, 81,
81n86, 92, 96, 97, 97n183, 110, 139,
139nn26–8, 141, 158, 159nn152–3,
174, 174n56, 177, 177n76, 205, 205n290,
212, 212nn48–9, 228, 229n19, 260,
Alexander of Hales 14n62, 77
Alexander Roes 49n111
Alexius I Comnenus 111
Alfonso III of Portugal 174
Alfonso, son of James II of Aragon 134
Alfonso VI of León and Castile 125
Alfonso VIII of Castile 126, 258
Alfonso X of Castile 91, 171
All Saints Day 145
Almohads 124
Almoravids 123, 124
Alpert of Metz 37n47
Alps 132
Alsace 87, 224
Amalric de Montfort 157
Ambrose, St 169
American Jewish Congress xx
Amiens 133
Anacletus II (anti-pope) 34, 221, 228–31, 252
anathema 94, 164
Andreas Abalat, bishop of Valencia 96
Andrew II of Hungary 120, 176
Angevin 17
Angoulême 110, 121, 122
Anjou 67, 70, 72, 110, 122, 180, 235, 264
annalists 101
annals 71, 81
Anonymous author of the Sefer Nisahon
Yashan 46
Anselm, St 83, 83n97, 223, 223n120
Anselm II of Lucca 104, 105
answer 2n3, 35, 50, 53, 98, 101, 104, 108,
190, 201, 212, 215
Antichrist 60, 63
anti-Christian polemic 46, 195, 223
anti-historicism 28n1
anti-Jewish allegations 129, 167
anti-Jewish legislation 95, 164, 179
anti-Jewish polemic 13n62, 14n62, 45, 47,
222, 260n83
anti-Jewish policies 49
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