Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

Bonum universale de apibus of Thomas of
Cantimpré 198
book burnings 198, 217
books of the Jews 51n125, 96
Bordeaux 110, 121, 122, 172, 175
borrowers 156, 161
Bourg de Saint Gilles 179
Bourges 121, 133, 138
Braga 140
Braisne 83
Brandenburg 140n34
Bray-sur-Seine 118
Bremen 140n34
Brescia 198, 231
Breslau 71, 85, 88, 138, 224
bribery 117, 146
Bristol 52n128, 82, 88
Brittany 67, 70, 110, 160n161
Büren 87
Burgos 126, 138, 156, 172
Burgundio of Pisa 8
Burgundy 174, 177, 205, 212, 220, 255
Bury St Edmund’s 44n87, 68, 82, 118
business deals 140, 153, 161, 187
‘business of the faith’ 101, 106
Byzantine Christians 110
Byzantine East 13
Byzantine Jews 36n39, 41, 42
Byzantines 36
Byzantium 36n39

‘Caecitia’ 252–6, 268
‘Caecitas’ 6n26, 247n3, 253, 254
Caesar of Heisterbach 9n45
Cahors 96n174, 97, 144
Cahorsins 17, 144
Cain 18, 169, 169n29, 263
Calabria 235
Calahorra 235
Calatayud 140
Caliphs 171
Calixtus II, pope 1, 1n2, 12n38, 27, 43, 43n82,
78, 78n66, 108, 108n32, 113, 113n60, 114,
125, 229–32, 235, 239, 240, 242, 275
Cambrai 84n102
Cambridge 82
Canon 67 of Lateran IV 137, 138, 140, 151,
152, 155, 156, 161, 183, 184, 188
Canon 14 of Toledo III 174
Canon 57 of Toledo IV 76, 77
Canon Benedict 227, 227n11, 234, 236,
236n79, 238
canon law 2, 5, 6, 13, 15, 15n70, 18, 23, 28, 51,
75–7, 103–7, 112, 142, 160–4, 166, 180–6,
191n186, 207, 208, 226, 257, 267–9, 273
canon law collections 180, 223n117, 251
canon lawyers 21, 75, 78, 101, 103–6, 142,
163, 184, 191, 192, 199, 207, 208
canon of Bourges 138
canon of Troyes 159
canonists 8n37, 23, 71, 75–7, 104–6, 136,
143, 162, 192, 200, 251

Canterbury 69, 71, 97, 121, 121n105, 137,
158, 206
Cantigas 91n139
capes 170, 173
Capetians 272
Carcassonne 128
Cardinal Albindus 236
Cardinal Bea xviii
Cardinal Boso 11, 227, 227n6, 238, 240, 243,
Cardinal Gasparri xiv
Cardinal Hyacinth 125
Cardinal Jacopo Gaetani Stefaneschi 236,
cardinals 34–6, 61, 96n174, 158, 186, 202,
211, 229, 230
Carentan 114
Carpentras 215
Castile 196
Catalan 58n177, 224
Catalonia 124
Cathar heresy 128, 131
Cathar texts 198
Catharism 21, 128
Cathars 102, 128, 131, 132, 198, 224
cathedra 233
Catholic faith 53, 88, 134, 166, 205, 206, 255,
259, 260
Catholicism 213n57, 257
Catholics xiv
Causa 17 of the Decretum 104
Causa 23 of the Decretum 104, 104n17, 180,
181, 181n106
Causa 24 of the Decretum 105, 180
Causa 28 of the Decretum 97
Cavaillon 95
Celestine II, pope 235, 275
Celestine III, pope 12n58, 16, 79, 79n70, 87,
109, 118, 118n86, 137, 137n1, 147,
147n72, 182, 182n112, 183n123, 227,
228n12, 231n37, 232, 241, 242, 275
cemeteries 79, 244
Cencius Camerarius 227, 227n11, 236,
236n79, 238, 239n100, 242n122
Censius II 235
censorship 201, 203, 205
Central France 144
Central Middle Ages 108
ceremonial tradition 245
Chaldean 258n74
Chalon-sur-Saône 262n101
chamber serfdom 219
Champagne 13, 22nn12, 13, 22nn15–17,
25n128, 34n33, 71, 72, 109, 110n44, 118,
118nn86, 87, 121, 122n110, 138, 154–8, 171,
191n189, 226n1, 227n8–11, 229nn21–3,
230nn25–6, 30, 32, 231–5nn33–64,
237nn84, 86–9, 238nn90–5, 239nn99, 103,
240nn104–11, 241nn112–20, 242nn121–2,
124–7, 129, 243nn130–4, 244nn139–44,
245nn145–8, 249, 254nn49, 262n98, 264,

302 Index

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