Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

Baldwin IX of Flanders 119
Balkans 112
Baltic x, 101, 125
baptism 10, 10n46, 16, 48, 75–9, 81nn102–3,
178, 180, 183, 187, 190, 208–10, 212, 213,
250, 251, 251nn27, 30, 255, 257
baptized slaves 190, 211
Barbastro 124
Barcelona 13, 24, 97, 134, 193, 210, 213,
257, 260
Bari 96
‘Barons’ Crusade’ 13, 72, 80, 87, 109, 110n44,
121, 122n110, 157, 191, 191n189, 248,
258, 264
Baruch, Jewish convert 229
Bavaria 112
Beauvais 213
Becket, Thomas 137
Beirut 122
Bela IV 177
Bellum Domini contra Iudaeos et contra
Iudaeorum hereticos 13n62, 222, 222n116,
bellum sacrum 101
Benedict XIII (anti-pope) 43n77, 63, 113n58
Benedict XVI, pope 276
Benjamin of Tudela 227, 232–4, 243
Benzo of Albi 11
Berbers 124
Berkhamstead 68
Bernard of Clairvaux, St 34n32, 39n58,
116nn76, 78
Bernard of Parma 181
Berthold of Regensburg 218
Béziers 72, 92, 95, 128, 143
Bible 53n139, 59n177, 196, 197, 199, 200,
202, 204, 206, 223
Bibles moralisées 18, 18n84
Biblical Hebrew 135
Biblical Judaism 231–4, 241
bishop of Angoulême 110, 121, 122
bishop of Arles 208
bishop of Astorga 176
bishop of Autun 210
bishop of Auxerre 137, 148
bishop of Baeza 138
bishop of Beauvais 213
bishop of Breslau 138
bishop of Burgos 126, 138, 156, 172
bishop of Carpentras 215
bishop of Chichester 121, 158
bishop of Cordova 194
bishop of Galencia 122
bishop of León 140, 177
bishop of Lisbon 176
bishop of Livonia 210
bishop of Lucca 160n161
bishop of Lugo (Portugal) 176
bishop of Maguelonne 173
bishop of Mainz 34

bishop of Marseilles 137, 208
bishop of Naples 208
bishop of Palermo 228
bishop of Pamplona 139
bishop of Paris 50, 139, 165, 193, 196, 197,
212, 262n101
bishop of Poitiers 110, 121, 122
bishop of Prague 112
bishop of Provence 71
bishop of Regensburg 123
bishop of Rieti 159
bishop of Rome 37, 233
bishop of Saintes 110, 121, 122
bishop of Segovia 257
bishop of Senlis 50, 121, 156, 158
bishop of Speyer 71, 112
bishop of Toulouse 253
bishop of Tournai 209
bishop of Tusculum 123, 158, 201, 216n72
bishop of Worcester 88, 168
bishop-elect of Trani 216n72
bishop-elect of Valence 121, 158
bishopric of Avignon 213n57
bishops in the Counties of Poitiers, Toulouse,
and Provence 253
bishops of Brandenburg 140n34
bishops of France 258
bishops of Germany 81, 250, 264
bishops of Hildesheim 140n34
bishops of Hungary 183
bishops of Portugal 140
bishops of Saintes, Angoulême, and
Poitiers 110, 121, 122
bishops of Spain 258
Black Death 70
Blanche of Brittany 110
Blanche of Castile 50, 133, 154, 195
Blanche of Champagne 138, 155, 156
blasphemy 22, 23n110, 91, 92, 96, 155,
193–5, 204
blind 8, 9, 18, 83, 84, 247, 255, 256
blindness 6n26, 253–5, 253n45, 262n101, 268
Blois 12, 39, 39n59, 86, 99, 130, 146, 167
blood 5n19, 12, 23, 61, 81–7, 89, 90
blood libel 5, 5n19, 12, 17n75, 23,
23n114, 24, 39, 48, 52, 70, 81–90,
90n134, 99, 205, 244, 250, 264, 266,
267, 271, 272
blood of Jesus Christ 165, 166, 168, 169, 263
body of Jesus Christ 5n19, 15, 88, 165, 188
Bohemia 88, 94, 112
Bologna 14, 22n107, 50n117, 105, 106, 180,
195n215, 196n229, 258n74, 272
Bonaventure 9
Boniface of Montferrat 119
Boniface VIII, pope 9n43, 23, 23n113, 25, 78,
78n65, 81n87, 88, 89n130, 140n34,
160n161, 215, 215n72, 216nn73–4, 229,
229n20, 236, 237, 261, 261n94, 276
Bonn 9n45, 211

Index 301

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