Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

ecclesiastical benefices 212
ecclesiastical censure 151, 198, 201, 202
ecclesiastical jurisdiction 264
ecclesiastical legislation 69, 107, 189, 192
ecclesiastical officials 105
ecclesiastical restrictions 244
ecclesiastical sanction 72, 214
ecumenical councils 19n91, 142, 143, 164–80
Edessa 44, 114
edicts 45, 67n4, 116, 127, 140nn31–2, 148,
149, 154, 155, 215, 218, 264
‘Edut Adonai Ne’emena 53, 53nn144–6, 54,
54nn147, 149
Edward I of England 68, 217
Egypt 132, 133
Eighth Crusade 123n116
El Sabio 91n139
elections 60, 80, 104, 109, 221, 229, 231, 233,
236, 237, 240, 241, 249
Elhanan 33–6
Eliezer Ben Natan 99
Eliyahu Capsali 49n111
Embrun 215, 261
Emicho of Flonheim 43n77, 112n58
encyclicals 1, 145, 214
England 11–12n54, 12, 44, 68, 70, 72, 82, 91,
92, 115, 117, 121, 130, 133, 143, 156, 167,
171, 210, 266, 1196
English councils 145
English Crown 210
Enlightenment 31n15
Enrico Dandalo 119
entry-type papal adventus ceremonies 226, 232,
234–7, 241, 242
Ephraim ben/bar Jacob of Bonn 39n59
Épinal 87
Epistles 63, 106, 192
error 7, 74, 80, 84, 96n174, 98, 173, 199, 202,
203, 205, 206, 212, 216n72, 219n91, 253–6
eschatology 102, 107, 241, 249
Eucharist 52, 86, 87, 91, 193
Eugenio Pacelli xv–xviii
Eugenius III, ‘Divini dispensatione’ 125,
Eugenius III, pope 12n58, 43, 43n82, 44, 45,
45nn88, 90, 79, 79n68, 107n28, 109,
109n34, 113, 113n60, 114, 115, 115nn69–
71, 116n74, 118, 125, 125n127, 144, 145,
145n58, 146, 146n62, 150, 192n195,
231–3, 235, 238, 240–2, 275
Eugenius III, ‘Quantum praedecessores’ 44,
45, 45n90, 107n28, 114–17, 115nn70–1,
144n55, 145–6, 145n58, 146n62, 150,
excommunication 15n71, 19, 23, 24, 90, 95,
118n87, 131, 147, 153, 153n115, 165,
165n4, 175, 175n67, 184, 197, 209,
209n23, 211
exegesis 13, 14, 51, 169
exegetes 54, 226, 227

Exeter 69, 95, 97
Exodus, Book of 54, 56, 73, 141,
expeditio crucis 101
expulsions 11n54, 25, 25n128, 30n15,
32n21, 49, 49n115, 66–71, 73, 126,
134n182, 135, 148, 165, 167, 264, 266,
269, 272
external enemies 17, 181
extortioners 262

Faculty of Medicine at Vienna 94
Faith 21, 35, 73, 78, 79, 102, 104, 106, 126,
166, 192, 193, 199, 209, 221, 223, 249,
250, 257, 259
Fardus Hugolini 213n57
Ferdinand III of Castile 127, 138
festivals 19, 131, 166, 179, 188, 193
Fifth Crusade 20, 109, 119–21, 129n151,
143, 149, 150, 157, 179
Final Judgement 7
finances 39n59, 136, 138, 150, 155,
157n141, 159
First Crusade ix, 1, 2n3, 12, 12n56, 40–4,
42n72, 75, 47n104, 86n116, 98, 99,
99n194, 101, 104, 105, 107, 107nn27, 29,
108, 108n30, 109n33, 110–14, 111nn49,
52, 112n56, 124, 144, 144n53, 145n57,
157, 157n141, 158, 192, 192n193, 208,
232, 266, 272
Flanders 119, 144, 157
Flavius Josephus 36
folktales 28, 32–6, 35n34, 63
forced baptism 10, 10nn46, 48, 16, 76–8, 103,
178, 180, 208, 210
fortune tellers 92
Fourth Council of Toledo 76, 77, 250, 251
Fourth Crusade 107, 109, 119, 131, 147, 149,
182, 249
Fra Bartholomeo de Aquila 218
France 12, 17, 18, 21, 21n104, 22, 25, 31, 39,
40, 44, 46, 48, 53, 59, 67, 70–2, 78, 83, 86,
87n119, 88, 92, 93, 109, 111, 112, 114,
115, 118n87, 120, 128–34, 143, 144, 147,
148, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 159, 165–8,
170, 171, 173, 178, 179, 193, 197, 198,
202, 215, 217, 224, 228, 230, 258, 262,
262n101, 272, 273
Francis I, pope 276
Franciscan inquisitors 261
Franciscan theologians 155
Franciscans 6, 62, 69, 96n174, 123, 155, 195,
197, 207, 215, 218, 225
Franconia 87
Frankfurt 47n105, 74n50, 76n58, 83,
191n186, 223n117
Frederick I Barbarossa (German emperor) 117
Frederick II of Germany (emperor) 49, 70, 87,
138, 157, 171, 219, 228
free will 75, 77, 251

Index 307

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