Popes and Jews, 1095-1291

(Frankie) #1

Guide for the Perplexed 37n47, 198
Guillaume le Breton 150, 150n92
Guy Terre 199, 200n252

Halakah 38n48
halakhists 38, 61
Ham 67
hardness of heart 255
Hasdai Crescas 56n161, 57n165, 58n177,
‘hasid’ 135, 135n184
hats 170, 171, 179
Hebraists 233
Hebrew 8n41, 14, 29, 29n5, 37, 47n103, 52,
60, 63, 91, 235, 239, 240, 242
Hebrew Bible 202, 204
Hebrew books 22, 33, 36, 44, 114, 195–9,
202, 203, 206, 217
Hebrew chronicles 36, 39n58, 40, 42nn72, 75,
44n83, 47n104, 65n211, 66n3, 98, 98n188,
102n6, 110, 112n56, 114n63
Hebrew crusade chronicles 41, 42n72, 44n83,
99, 102, 109n33, 114n63
Hebrew laudes 242, 243
Hebrew texts 22n107, 29n5, 37, 47n103,
50n119, 60, 63, 66n1, 102n8, 194n207, 272
Hebrews 8n41, 238, 243
Hell 57, 57n169, 59
Henry, court cleric 37n47
Henry I 68
Henry II 37n47, 70, 137, 145n59, 235
Henry II of Germany (emperor) 37n47, 70
Henry III of Castile 39n59
Henry IV 114
Henry IV of Germany (emperor) 11n48, 71,
112, 231
Henry of Segusio, cardinal bishop of Ostia 186
Henry V of Germany (emperor) 235, 239
Henry VI of Germany (emperor) 242
heresy 1n1, 6n22, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 27, 90,
93, 96, 102, 105, 128, 129, 131, 141, 157,
194, 203, 214–16, 216n72, 221, 224,
229n20, 260, 261, 262n101, 266
Heresy of the Free Spirit 102n5
heretics 1n1, 4, 7n32, 9, 9n45, 18, 18nn82,
83, 85, 21n104, 83, 101–5, 108, 119, 120,
129–31, 148, 151, 170, 173, 180, 181n106,
184, 186, 189, 190, 197, 202, 203, 213–16,
218, 221, 223, 223n117, 224, 229n20,
246–65, 267, 273
High Middle Ages 1n1, 2–5, 7n29, 8–16, 27,
28, 28nn1–2, 29, 29nn3–5, 30nn12, 15,
31nn17–18, 33, 37, 37n47, 38n50, 39n58,
43n80, 44n83, 45, 46n94, 47n100, 104–05,
48nn106–07, 109, 49n111, 51, 52nn131,
133–37, 53nn138–39, 54n150, 55n152,
154, 55n157, 57n165, 58n177, 59nn181–3,
60, 60nn186, 188, 61n193, 63, 64nn206–8,
65, 66, 71n37, 73, 83n94, 85n108, 86n116,
112n58, 113n61, 114, 116n75, 136,

153n112, 164, 178, 181, 194, 219, 247n4,
260, 260n83, 262, 263, 266, 268, 269, 271
Hildesheim 13n60, 140n34
Hincmar of Rheims 8
Hispano-Papal contact 124
Historia Hierosolymitana Gesta Francorum 111
Historia Hierosolymitana Libri IV 111
Historia Imaginis Salvatoris of Nicholas
Maniacutius 227, 227n11, 232
Historia quae dicitur Gesta Dei per Francos 111
historians 1, 2, 2n6, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15n69, 17, 20,
20n96, 21n104, 22, 24, 26, 31, 40, 43n77,
69, 73, 85, 93, 98, 99, 102, 113n58, 115,
117, 130n152, 146, 167n17, 175, 217, 218,
221, 237, 241, 242, 244, 245, 253, 254,
266–8, 271, 273
historicism 1n1
historiography 28–32, 64n207, 86n113, 178,
220n97, 271–3
Hitler xv, xvi, xvii, xviii
Holland xvii
Holocaust xiii, xix
Holy Land 80, 101, 103, 106, 108, 109, 111,
121, 123, 124, 132–4, 147, 150, 153,
158–60, 160n161, 161, 234
Holy of Holies 234
Holy Sepulchre 11, 67, 111, 228
Holy Spirit 134
Holy War ix, 107, 111, 224, 267
Holy Week 72, 166, 238
homicide 93, 140, 258
Honorius II, pope 275
Honorius II (anti-pope) 229
Honorius III, ‘Cum te sicut’ 95n164, 97,
Honorius III, pope 5n17, 12n58, 17n76,
18n86, 24, 24n119, 80, 80n81, 81, 95,
95n164, 97, 97n178, 109, 119, 119n88,
120, 120nn99–100, 121, 121n101,
122n113, 126, 126n135, 127, 127nn138–9,
128nn140–1, 130, 138, 138nn15–18,
148n77, 155, 155nn130–2, 156n134, 168,
168nn22–3, 172, 172nn45–50, 173,
173nn51–2, 175, 175nn66–7, 183, 193,
193nn202–3, 211, 211n34, 217, 227,
248n9–10, 251n29, 252, 252nn33, 38,
255n61, 256, 256nn64–5, 257n66,
262n101, 263n102, 267, 267n8, 275
Honorius IV, ‘Nimis in partibus’ 69n26, 97,
97n185, 168n26, 206nn294–5
Honorius IV, pope 13n58, 17n76, 25,
69, 69n26, 81, 81n86, 93, 93n153,
97, 97n185, 110, 168, 168n26,
206, 206nn294–5, 216n72, 258,
258n76, 276
Hospitallers 133, 160n161
host desecration 5, 5n19, 23, 52, 81–90, 99,
240, 266, 267, 271, 272
Hostiensis 162, 186–91, 221
Houses of Converts 210

Index 309

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