William of Bourges 13n62, 14n62, 222,
222n116, 223n117
William of Newburgh 44n87, 118n84
William of Norwich 12, 82, 82n89, 85n106,
86n111, 130, 167
Winchester 83, 85
witnesses 7, 9, 13n58, 19, 73, 89, 134, 164, 184,
197, 208, 214, 216, 225, 229n20, 248
wives 182, 257
Worcester 88, 92, 168
Word of God 230, 243
Worms 71, 98, 112, 138
‘Written Torah’ 194, 196
Würzburg 114
Yacov of Venice 46
Yahweh 243
York 8n41, 12n56, 17n78, 44n87, 45n87, 68,
86n116, 118, 167n19, 222n116, 252n37
Zara 119
Zion 61, 247
Index 323