Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Insights from Research and Practice

(WallPaper) #1

182 Index

identity, Autism and 96
identity formation in individuals with
Asperger Syndrome 45–51; definition
of identity 46–7; impairments 45;
methodology 48–9; self-identity 49–50;
social identity 50–1
Individuals with Disabilities Act 117
influence of culture on social inclusion
of children with Autism 155–65;
bilingualism 163; Brahmavihara 160;
Buddhism 158; ‘Bukkon autistic’
persons 162; cultural perceptions of
social skills of children with Autism
163–4; Islamic religion 157; Jewish
ultraorthodox community 158; karma
159; language issues 161–3; learning of
culture 155; religious and local cultural
views of Autism 157–61; ‘songsarn’
social perception 160; Thai
language 163
Ingersoll, B. R. 147
Ishijima, E. H. 145

Jan Pijl, S. 13, 145
Jegatheesan, B. 157
Jindal-Snape, D. 87
Johnson, S. M. 136
Johnston, P. 51
Jones, A. P. 75, 76

Kagohara, D. 163
Kamps, D. 25, 26, 135
Kasari, C. 14, 75, 136, 145
Kenworthy, L. 22
Ke r r, C. 8 7
Kerr, M. M. 136
Kilbort-Crocker, H. 159
Kim, S. 24, 25, 27
Klin, A. 12
Koegel, L. K. 23, 24, 25, 27
Koegel, R. L. 23, 24, 27
Koenig, K. 12
Kohler, F. 60
Kosciulek, J. 103
Koster, M. 13
Kravitz, T. 135
Kretzmann, M. 75

Lachicotte, W. 46
Lane, K. L. 146, 147
Lang, J. 75
language issues 161–3
Leader, G. 103
Leahy, M. 103

Learning Experiences and Alternative
Program for Preschoolers and Their
Parents (LEAP) 62–3
least restrictive environment (LRE) 21
Leonard, B. 25
Lewis, A. 47
Li, C. 118
Li, S. 60
Locke, J. 75, 136, 145
London, N. 145
Loucas, T. 22
Lund, E. M. 39

Machalicek, W. 146, 147
MacLeod, A. 47, 51
Manderson, L. 161
Mandy, W. 86, 87, 88, 94
Martin, A. 22
Mason, R. 26
Matos, R. 27
Mavropoulou, S. 16
McConnell, S. R. 119
McEvoy, M. A. 136
McLellan, L. 35
McNeil, J. 162
measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
vaccine 11
Metzer, J. 35
Miller, P. 157
Miller, T. 26
mobile devices 147
models for social inclusion 62–6; key
features 65–6; LEAP 62–3; Project
DATA 63–4; Walden Early Childhood
Programs 64–5
Moss, C. K. 146, 147
“multiplier pencil box” 176
Mundia, L. 158
Murin, M. 86, 87, 88, 94
Murphy, G. 49
Musashino Higashi Gakuen 177–8

Naemiratch, B. 161
Nakken, H. 13
Nansel, T. R. 35
Nario-Redmond, M. R. 47
National Association for the Education of
Young Children (NAEYC) 58
National Disability Insurance Scheme
(NDIS) 107
Neely, L. 39
Nelson, C. M. 136
Network, A. B. 75
Noel, J. G. 47
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