Supporting Social Inclusion for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Insights from Research and Practice

(WallPaper) #1
Index 181

Cole, S. 168, 170
Coles, J. 86
Cooney, M. 146, 147
Coplin, H. 13, 145
Corbin, J. M. 125
Cox, S. 26
culture see influence of culture on social
inclusion of children with Autism
Cumming, T. 146

Danial, J. 24
Daniel, L. S. 16
Daniolos, P. 22
Danker, J. 146
Dann, R. 87, 88
Dawson, G. 162
Delfabbro, P. 35
Deschenes, D. 168, 170
developmentally appropriate practice (DAP)
framework 61
Dhunpath, R. 47, 48
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-V) 2, 10,
101, 156
Diamond, K. 60
Didden, R. 33
Dillon, G. V. 86
Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
106, 117
Division for Early Childhood (DEC) 58
Dobson, S. 162
Dodd, S. 11
Dollard, M. 35
domains of accommodation 170–7;
alternate activity 177; alternate
curriculum 177; difficulty 175–6; input
174–5; level of support 173–4; output
175; participation 176; size or quantity of
information 171–2; time 172–3
Doosje, B. 47
Douglas, W. 87
Doyle, M. B. 28
Drysdale, H. 163
Dugan, E. 25
Dybvik, A. 12

early years, social inclusion in 57–67;
current and relevant social inclusion
research 58–9; developmentally
appropriate practice framework 61;
effective models for social inclusion
62–6; goal setting and planning learning
opportunities 59; implementing
high-quality social inclusion 59–61;

incorporating all young children in
the classroom 60; LEAP model 62–3;
measuring and assessing inclusion 60–1;
peer relationships 58, 66; Project DATA
63–4; randomized controlled trial 63;
tiered models of support 60; training
competent classroom teams and staff 61;
Walden Early Childhood Programs 64–5
Ebeling, G. 168, 170
Ellemers, N. 47

families, role of in supporting social
inclusion 144–52; case studies 148–51;
fostering self-determination 146–7;
future directions 151–2; key themes 145;
mobile devices 147; peer acceptance and
role of home–school collaboration 148;
social skills development 147–8; special
educational needs 145
Fein, E. 47
Feldman, E. K. 27
Feldmiller, S. 26
Fern, E. 47
Forero, R. 35
Fowler, S. 157
Fox , J. J. 1 3 6
Fredeen, R. M. 24
Frederickson, N. 75, 76
Frederickson, N. L. 76
Furnham, A. F. 76

Garrison-Harrell, L. 135
Geschwind, D. 162
Giangreco, M. F. 28
Gilderdale, D. 162
Giles, D. C. 46
Granovetter, M. S. 108
Groce, N. E. 156

Halvorsen, A. T. 28
Hammarstrom, A. 35
Hannah, E. F. 87, 88, 89
Hardy, G. 47
Haring, T. 136
Hart, J. E. 15
Hebron, J. 77
Hellriegel, J. 86, 87, 88, 94
Hill, V. 74
Holland, D. 46
Hong, E. R. 39
Horvath, B. 168, 170
Huang, H-H. 60
Hughes, L. A. 85
Humphrey, N. 12, 77
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