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Matching the culture
All communication must work within
an organization’s culture. The accepted
approach can vary considerably between
different organizations: some companies,

for example, require every issue to be
written in memo form and circulated
before it can be raised in a team
meeting. Other organizations are
more “oral” in nature, offering
employees the opportunity to talk
things through before writing
anything down.
Many companies rely on a
particular culture to move day-to-day
information through the organization.
To succeed in such a business, you
must adapt to the existing culture
rather than try to change it or ask
it to adapt to you.

Adapting your style YES NO

1 Do you understand how the culture of the organization you
work for affects the way in which you need to communicate? ......

2 Have you adapted your writing and speaking style to meet
the expectations of the culture in which you are working? ...........

3 Have you changed your style to accommodate any changes
in the structure of the company or the conditions of
your industry? ..................................................................................

4 Have you noted the communication preferences of your
supervisor and adapted your writing, speaking, and
listening styles accordingly? ..........................................................

US_242-243_Communicating_At_Work.indd 243 30/05/16 3:04 pm

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