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Improving your confidence

It’s one thing to know your material. It’s another matter entirely to
believe that you can get up on stage and speak with confidence to a group
of strangers. Understanding your message and having a well-organized
speech are important to your success, but so is self-confidence.

Losing your place in
lengthy notes can give your
confidence a serious knock,
so make sure your notes are
quick and easy to use, giving
you the information you need
at a glance.

Improving your delivery Tip
Rehearsal will help improve your speech
and raise your level of self-confidence.
Simply knowing that you’ve been through
the contents of your speech more than
once builds familiarity and is reassuring.
It will also ensure you talk for the correct
amount of time. A run-through or two will
show whether you have too much, too
little, or just enough to say. Rehearsal
will also help you improve your
transitions. By practicing your speech,
you‘ll be able to identify the rough spots
and work on smoothing the transition
from one point to another and from
one part of the speech to another.

Using notes
The best speakers seem to
confidently deliver their speeches
extemporaneously, or “from the heart,”
without notes. Such speeches aren’t
really memorized word-for-word, but
rather are thoroughly researched, well
rehearsed, and professionally supported.
Many extemporaneous speakers will use

their visual support—usually PowerPoint
slides—to prompt their memories.
Others prefer to work from bullet points
on notecards, or use the full manuscript.
Whichever you choose, make sure that
your notes are simple, easy to follow,
and allow you to maintain eye contact
with the audience.

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