
(nextflipdebug2) #1

Being prepared YES NO

1 Have you double-checked the time and location
for your speech? ...............................................................................

2 Are you sure about the length of time allotted to the speech?.......

3 Have you decided how to arrange the room? .................................

4 Have you found out whether you are using a lectern
or are free to walk around the room during the speech? ..............

5 Have you tested the microphone and sound system? ....................

6 Are you familiar with the arrangements and systems
for visuals? .......................................................................................

7 Do you know what lighting is available, and have you
determined whether it needs to change for screen visuals
or handouts during your talk? ..........................................................

8 If you are using a computer during the presentation,
are the relevant files backed up on a second hard drive
to use if necessary? .........................................................................

Gaining confidence
The better prepared you are, the more
confident you will feel at the podium.
Make sure you have thought about all
aspects of your presentation, from
the layout of the room to the type of
microphone you will use. The knowledge
that you have personally arranged every
detail, and have meticulously planned
and rehearsed your talk, will help build
your confidence. If you get cold feet,
remember that you’ve been asked to
speak because the audience is interested
in your expertise and viewpoint. Trust in
your ability, intelligence, and confidence
to deliver an effective speech.

US_264-265_Improving_Your_Confidence.indd 265 30/05/16 3:04 pm

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