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Preparing for a teleconference
Running a successful and productive
teleconference depends largely on the
time you spend planning and preparing for
it. If possible, find out as much as you can
about the facility you have chosen before
the day of the teleconference. If you’re in
charge, it is up to you to make sure that
the setting has everything you need. Try
to meet with the support technician, if
there is one, and learn what your physical
responsibilities will involve.

Recent improvements in technology have made video conferencing an
essential tool for many businesses. Whether you are using a dedicated
teleconferencing system or a computer package such as Skype, it is vital
to plan carefully to avoid technical hitches and make the experience
rewarding and successful for those involved.

Running a teleconference

Plan your

Identify the purpose of the
teleconference: explain to
people what they will be
doing and why.

Visit the facility in advance
and try to identify any
aspects of the location
or equipment that affect
how you need to plan
the teleconference.

Plan the agenda; don’t
just try to “wing it” as
you go along. Place easily
accomplished items first
on the list.

Identify a chairperson
who will be responsible
for starting, stopping, and
running the teleconference.

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