Schedule the teleconference
for a time and date that
suits everyone.
Share important resources
in advance; send through any
materials that are important
for everyone to see.
Distribute the agenda so
other people know what will
be discussed and will have
time to gather necessary
Confirm the teleconference
with all participants and
send a reminder just before
it is due to take place.
>> Asking people to give their names,
titles, and locations
>> Keeping to the agenda and staying
on time
>>^ Taking control and providing people
with opportunities to speak
>>^ Making notes of what is being said
and by whom
>>>Introducing some of the
participants, but ignoring others
>>>Introducing new items not agreed
to in advance
>>^ Allowing people to talk with one
another in side conversations
>>^ Failing to capture what’s been^
said and agreed to
Do’s Don’ts
Success depends on the time you spend planning and
preparing for the teleconference: try to find out as
much as you can about the facility you have chosen
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