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Making offers and


Knowing when to go first
Some experts suggest that you should
not make the first offer and should
always allow your counterpart to go first.
Skilled negotiators, however, question
the conventional “never open” rule. They
choose to tailor their approach to each
negotiation. How should you decide
whether to go first or second? You should
present your offer first when you are
confident in the thoroughness of your
due diligence and also when you suspect
that your counterpart is ill-informed.
By going first, you will “anchor,” or set
a benchmark, that will be used as a
reference point for the counteroffer.

If you are not fully informed, do not go
first. Consider the other party’s first
offer, do not respond to it, and do your
due diligence. In some cases, two
negotiators are equally skilled and
well informed and neither wishes to
go first. Such cases often require the
involvement of a trusted third party to
act as a neutral go-between and get
the negotiations started.

Before you go into a negotiation, it is vital to plan your
opening move. Do you open negotiations and make the first
offer or do you wait and allow the other party to go first?
Make sure that you have an opening offer in mind, and plan
how you will respond to your counterpart’s offers.

It is easy to be thrown if the other party’s opening offer is extremely low.
Effective negotiators make sure that they are not startled by a tough first
offer, and avoid making a quick, emotional reaction. It is vital that a low
opening offer does not become a benchmark for the negotiation. Possible
responses to low offers include rejecting the offer as unreasonable;
asking the other party to revise the offer; or asking questions and probing
the other party for justifications for the toughness of the offer.

In focus

You should present your offer

first when you are confident
in the thoroughness of your

due diligence

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