R = R/1/J, and dp, = 1jJnl^2 dμ = 1jJ^312 dμ. Thus for any T E [O, T), we have
·T JTf Rd
p (t) dt = M^3 μ dt
o fMsdμ
f J nl•RnJ,-3/2 d -
= M3 'f/ 'f/ μ 1/J-1 dt
f Ms 1/J-3/2 dP,
= lf p(t) dt,
where f = J; 1/J (t) dt. Now since
Rmin (t) :SP (t) :S Rmax (t),
we apply Lemmas 6.55 and 6.59 to conclude that the left-hand side diverges
as T / T. Hence the right-hand side must also diverge as f / f'. But by
Lemma 6.60, there exists C > 0 such that
lf p (t) d[ :S lf Rmax (t) dt :S Cf.
Hence f' = oo. D
Noting that the expression in Corollary 6.56 is invariant under dilation
of the metric, we obtain the following convergence result for free.
COROLLARY 6.61. If (M^3 , g (t)) is a solution of the unnormalized Ricci
flow on a compact manifold whose Ricci curvature is positive initially, then
the corresponding normalized solution g (t) exists for all positive time and
asymptotically approaches an Einstein metric uniformly in the sense that
Jim (sup l~ct) = 0.
t->oo xEM3 R
In Section 10, we shall show that the convergence is exponential.
9.3. Evolution of curvature under the normalized fl.ow. To aug-
ment the scaling arguments employed above, it will be useful in the sequel
to observe directly how various geometric quantities evolve under the nor-
malized Ricci fl.ow. To wit, suppose that we are given a solution of the
normalized Ricci fl.ow
atg = -2 Re +rg
on a manifold Mn, where r is the function of time alone defined by
(6.61) r ( ) t =. 2 ( ) - p t _ - ----'--="^2 j Mn ~-R dμ -
. n - n fMn dμ