(Note that we are now dropping the .9 ([) notation used above.) The easiest
way to obtain the evolution equations for quantities depending on g is by
first making a more general observation.
LEMMA 6.62. Suppose that g (t) is a smooth one-parameter family of
metrics on a man~fold Mn such that
at 9 = c.pg,
where c.p is a function of time alone.
(1) The Levi- Civita connection r of g is independent of time.
(2) The (3, l)-Riemann curvature tensor of g is independent of time.
(3) The ( 4, 0) -Riemann curvature tensor Rm of g evolves by
at Rijke = c.pRijkf.·
( 4) The Ricci tensor Re of g is independent of time.
(5) The scalar curvature R of g evolves by
at R = -c.pR.
PROOF. All the formulas are immediate consequences of Lemma 6.5
except for (3), which follows from (2) when we write
:t (Rijke) = :t (gcmRi'Jk) = c.pRijkf.·
REMARK 6 .63. The formulas above may also be deduced from Lemma
6.57 by observing how the various geometric quantities under consideration
respond to scaling the metric. (Compare with Lemma 17.1 of [58].)
COROLLARY 6.64. Let (Mn,g(t)) be a solution of the normalized Ricci
flow, and let r ( t) be defined by ( 6. 61).
(1) The Levi- Civita connection r of g evolves by
:tr7j = -\liRJ - YjR7 + vkRij·
(2) The (3, l)-Riemann curvature tensor evolves by
gt Rfjk = t::.Rfjk + gpq ( RijpR;qk - 2R;ikRJqr + 2R~irRJqk)
- Rf R~jk - R~Rlpk - R~Rfjp + R~Rfjk'
(3) The (4, 0)-Riemann curvature t ensor Rm of g evolves by
at Ri.ikf. = f:::.Rijkf. + 2 (Bijkf. - Bijf.k - Bif.jk + BikjC)
+ RkJjRmi - R"!JiRm] + R'!JcRmk - Ri'JkRme + r Rijke,
where the tensor B is defined in ( 6.15).