We say that a path "( emanating from p has a direction at p if its
angle with itself exists and is zero, i.e., Lp ("!, "!) = 0.^18
LEMMA G.38 (Comparison angle monotonicity). Let (X, d) be an Alek-
sandrov space with curvature bounded from below. Suppose a is a shortest
path between a (0) and a (E) and suppose (3 is a shortest path between (3 (0)
and (3 (E). Then
La ( u) P f3 ( v)
is a nonincreasing function of u and v.
For a proof of the nonnegative curvature case, see Proposition 4.3.2 of
[18] or, for a proof of the general case, see §2.6(B) of [19]. In particular, the
angle Lp (a, (3) exists.
PROPOSITION G.39 (Existence of angle between shortest paths). If X is
an Aleksandrov space of curvature 2: k and if a and (3 are shortest paths em-
anating from a common point p, then Lp (a, (3) is well defined. In particular,
any shortest path emanating from a point has a direction.
Another consequence of the monotonicity of La ( u) p (3 ( v) is that a
shortest path does not bifurcate in an Aleksandrov space with curvature
bounded from below. That is, let a (t) and (3 (t), t E [O, b], be two (unit
speed) minimal paths; if there is a 8 > 0 such that a (t) = (3 (t) fort E [O, 8],
then a (t) = (3 (t) for all t E [O, b].
2.3. Some basic notions and properties of Aleksandrov spaces
with curvature bounded from below.
Given d E [O, oo), there is the standard notion of d-dimensional Haus-
dorff measure μd (X) of a metric space X (see p. 19 of [18] for the def-
inition). The Hausdorff dimension of a metric space X is defined to
be the unique number dimHaus (X) E [O, oo] such that μd (X) = 0 for all
d > dimHaus (X) and μd (X) = oo for all d < dimHaus (X). By Theorem
1.7.16 of [18], such a number always exists.
For the proof of the following result, see Theorems 10.8.1 and 10.8.2 of
THEOREM G.40 (Aleksandrov spaces have integer dimension). The Haus-
dorff dimension of an Aleksandrov space X with curvature bounded from
below is a finite nonnegative integer.
A basic tool used to study the local topological structure of Aleksandrov
spaces is strainers, which we now define.
(^18) Note that if Lp ("!, '!') is well defined, then it must be equal to zero (by taking u = v
in the limit on the RHS of (G.18)).
(^19) Since X is locally compact by definition, we have that dimHaus (X) is not equal to