DEFINITION G.41 (Strained points and strainers). Let X be an Alek-
sandrov space with curvature bounded from below. Given m EN and f > 0,
a point p E X is an ( m, f )-strained point if there exist m pairs of points
{(ai, bi)};: 1 in X such that
2ai,Pbi > 7r - f, 2aipaj > ~ - lOf,
2aipbj > ~ - lOf, 2biPbj > ~ - lOf,
where i f j E {1, 2, ... , m }. The collection {(ai, bi)};: 1 is called an (m, c)-
strainer for p.
The following result, which is Theorem 10.8.3 of [18], is proved using
THEOREM G .42 (Regularity of Aleksandrov spaces). Let X be a complete
length space with curvature bounded from below. If dimH X = n < oo, then
X is locally compact and an open dense subset of X is homeomorphic to an
Besides the notion of Hausdorff dimension given above, there are other
definitions of dimension (rough dimension, covering dimension, and strainer
number) on Aleksandrov spaces with curvature bounded from below, but
they are more or less equivalent (see Proposition 155 of [159]).
A key property of Aleksandrov spaces is the following (see Proposition
10.7.1 of [18]); we do not discuss the pointed version.
THEOREM G.43 (Closedness under Gromov-Hausdorfflimit). If a metric
space (X, d) is the Gromov-Hausdorff limit (pointed or not) of a sequence
of Aleksandrov spaces of curvature 2: k, then (X, Cd) is a complete length
space of curvature 2: k.
Let 9J1 ( n, k, D) denote the space of Aleksandrov spaces of curvature 2: k
with Hausdorff dimension ::; n and diameter ::; D. The following is Theorem
10.7.2 of [18].
THEOREM G.44 (Gromov compactness theorem, II). For any sequence
in 9J1 (n, k, D) there exists a subsequence which converges in the Gromov-
Hausdorff topology to an element of 9J1 (n, k, D).
Since Riemannian manifolds with sectional curvatures bounded from
below are Aleksandrov spaces of curvature bounded from below, the above
theorem implies that any sequence of n-dimensional Riemannian manifolds
with sectional curvature 2: k and diameter::; D subconverges in 9J1 (n, k, D).
Hence Aleksandrov spaces of curvature bounded from below are nice gener-
alizations of Riemannian manifolds with sectional curvatures bounded from
below. There are other nice aspects of this generalization: some of the the-
orems and tools in Riemannian geometry can be generalized to Aleksandrov
spaces. The following splitting theorem of Toponogov and of Milka [128] is
an example (see Theorem 10.5.1 of [18]).