338 Chapter 6 • Differentiable Functions
Theorem 6.5.15 (nth Derivative Test for Maxima/Minima) Suppose
that n :'.'.: 2 and f, J', J", · · · , f(n-l) all exist in some neighborhood of a, f'(a) =
J"(a) = · · · = f(n-l)(a) = 0, and f(n)(a) exists but f(n)(a)-/-0.
(a) If n is even and f(n)(a) > 0, then f has a local minimum at a.
(b) If n is even and f(nl(a) < 0, then f has a local maximum at a.
(c) If n is odd, then f has neither local maximum nor local minimum at a.
Proof. See Exercise 18. •
*Theorem 6.5.16 (Irrationality of e) e is an irrational number.
Proof. For contradiction, suppose e is rational; say e = b' where a, b EN.
Let n be an arbitrary integer greater than b. By Taylor's theorem [see Example
6.5.13] we h ave
n 1 eCn
el= L k! + (n + 1)!
for some Cn E (0, 1). Multiplying both sides of this equation by n!, we h ave
a [ 1 1 1 1 1 ] n!ecn
n!b = n! O! +If+ 2! + 3! + ... + n! + (n + 1)!
= [ n!+n!+-+-+···+- +--.
n! n! n !] ecn
2! 3! n! n + 1
Since n > b, n! b is an integer. Also, the expression in square brackets in
the above equ ation is a n integer. Therefore, ~ must b e an integer. But,
eCn e
since Cn E (0, 1), 1 < ecn < e. Thus, 0 < --< --, so by the squeeze
n+l n+l
principle, Jim ~ = 0. Thus, we can take n sufficiently large so that
n->oo n + 1
0 <--1<1.
n +
This contradicts t he assertion that ~ is an integer. Therefore, e must
be an irrational number. •