
(jair2018) #1
6.5 Taylor's Theorem 339


Taylor polynomials Tn ( x) about a of a function f are most reliable as
approximations to f(x) when f has derivatives of all orders in a neighborhood
of a and lim Rn.(x) = 0 for all x in this neighborhood. In the examples we
have seen, this was not a severe limitation. In fact, in Example 6.5. 13 we saw
that for the function f ( x) = ex, lim Rn ( x) = 0 for all values of x. In Exercise
13 you will prove that the same is true for the sine and cosine functions. But
there are functions for which lim Rn(x) is not zero or does not even exist.
For an extreme example, see Exercise 6.6.16. In this example, Tn(x) about
0 is the constant zero function for all values of n, and thus the sequence {Tn ( x)}
does not converge to the given function f(x) for any x =I-0.
Finally, practical concerns such as determining whether Tn(x) will approx-
imate f(x) to within a prescribed degree of accuracy, how close x must be to
a and how large n must be to guarantee that accuracy, and what computa-
tional procedures are most efficient, are left to specialized applied mathematics
courses such as numerical analysis.


l. Expand the terms of T 4 (x) obtained in Example 6.5.4, and show that
T4(x) = f(x).

  1. Prove Theorem 6.5.7 for n = 4.

  2. Find the Taylor polynomials T 2 n+ 1 (x) and T2n(x) about 0 for the function
    f(x) = sinx.

  3. Use Taylor's theorem and the result of Exercise 3 to prove that l::/x E (0, 7r),
    x3 x3 x5
    x - - < sin x < x - - + -.
    3! 3! 5!
    [Hint: Calculate T 3 (x) about 0, and use R3(x) to obtain the first inequal-
    ity; use T 5 (x) and R 5 (x) to obtain the other.]

  4. Find the Taylor polynomials T2n(x) and T2n+1(x) about 0 for f(x) =

  5. Use the result of Exercise 5 to prove that l::/x E (0, 7r),
    x2 x4 x2 x4 x6
    1 - 2! + 4! > cos x > 1 - 2! + 4! - 6!.
    [Hint: Calculate T 5 (x) about 0, and use R 5 (x) to obtain the first inequal-
    ity; use T 7 (x) and R 7 (x) to obtain the other.]

  6. Find the sixth Taylor polynomial T5(x) for the function f(x) = ,/X about
    l. Also, write the formula for the Lagrange form of R5(x).

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