446 Ordinary Differential Equations
The Lanchester model for two conventional forces engaged in battle is
dt = f(t) - Ax - By
dy = g(t) - Cy - Dx
where A , B , C, and Dare nonnegative constants; where f(t) is the reinforce-
ment rate, Ax is the operational loss rate, and By is the combat loss rate of
the x-force; and where g(t) is the reinforcement rate, Cy is the operational
loss rate, and Dx is the combat loss rate of the y-force. Here, B is the com-
bat effectiveness coefficient for the y-force and D is the combat effectiveness
coefficient of the x-force.
First, let us consider the simplest case of system (1)- the case in which the
battle takes place so rapidly that no reinforcements arrive, J(t) = g(t) = 0,
and no operational losses occur, A = C = 0. Thus, we wish to consider the
linear autonomous system
dy = -Dx.
Solving -By = 0 and -Dx = 0 simultaneously, we see that the origin is
the only critical point of system (2). The coefficient matrix of the linear
a utonomous system (2)
A= ( _i -~)
has eigenvalues A= ±VBJ5. (Verify this fact.) Since one eigenvalue is positive
and the other is negative, the origin is a saddle point of system (2).
The trajectories, (x(t), y(t)), of system (2) satisfy the first-order differential
Let xo > 0 and Yo > 0 be the number of combatants of the two forces at the
start ( t = 0) of the battle. Separating variables in equation ( 3) and integrating
from the initial point (x 0 , y 0 ) to (x(t), y(t)), we find
y(t) 1 x(t)
B ydy = D xdx
Yo xo
and, therefore,