
(jair2018) #1
472 Ordinary Differential Equations

S > r / (3), we have dI / dt > 0 and the number of infectives increases. When

(JS - r < 0 (that is, when S < r / (3), we have dI / dt < 0 and the number of

· infectives decreases. The quantity p = r / (3 is call ed the relative removal
rate. Since S(t) is a strictly decreasing function, 0 :::; S(t) :::; So where So
is the initial number of susceptibles. If So is less than p = r / (3, no epidemic
occurs since dI/dt = (f3S-r)I:::; (f3So -r)I < 0 which implies I(t) is a strictly

decreasing function. That is, if So < r / (3, the number of infectives decreases

monotonically to zero from the initial value of I 0. On the other hand, if

S 0 > r / (3, the number of infectives increases from the initial value of Io to a

maximum value which occurs when the number of susceptibles has decreased

to the value r / (3 at some time t > 0. For t > t, it follows that S(t) < r / f3

and the number of infectives decreases. This result is what epidemiologists
call the threshold phenomenon. That is, there is a critical value which the
number of initial susceptibles must exceed before an epidemic can occur. The
threshold theorem for system ( 4) stated below was proven by W. 0. Kermak
and A. G. McKendrick in 1927:


If So < r/ (3, then I(t) decreases monotonically to zero.

If So > r / (3, then I(t) increases monotonically to a maximum value and

then decreases monotonically to zero. The limit, limt_, 00 S(t), exists and is
the unique solution, x, of

(5) Soe-(3(N-x)/r = x.

In order to prevent epidemics, medical personnel try to decrease the number
of susceptibles S or to increase the critical value r / (3. This is sometimes
accomplished by inoculation and by early detection of the disease followed by
quarantine procedures.

EXAMPLE 12 Computer Solution of an Epidemic Model

Solve the epidemic model



  • = -.005SI

dt = .005SI - .7I

~~ = .7I
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