
(jair2018) #1
370 Chapter^6

Therefore, the directions 81 and 83 will correspond to maxima (minima)
of p, and the directions 02 and 04 to minima (maxima) of p, depending on
whether F > 0 (or F < 0), respectively. When E = G, F-/; 0 equation
(6.16-1) becomes
p^2 = E + F sin 20
which for E -/; 0, F > 0 is represented by the curve shown in Fig. 6.13
when plotted from the point z as origin with E = 2, F·= 1.
Returning to the general case, let Pl be the maximum value of p, and
let p 2 be its minimum. Using (6.16-8) in (6.16-1) we find that
Pi = %(E + G + D) (6.16-9)
and similarly,
Hence it follows that
Pi+ p~ = E+ G
PiP~ = i/4[(E + G)2 - D2] = 12
This shows that Pi and p~ are the roots of the equation
p^4 - (!E + G)p^2 + J^2 = O (6.16-11)
In the special case E = G, F _# 0 equation (6.16-11) reduces to
p^4 - 2Ep^2 + J^2 = O (6.16-12)

If J = 0, we get from (6.16-11) that p 2 = 0 and p1 = v'E + G.

Fig. 6.13

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