
(itemelite) #1

to that person.

Don't bad mouth other marketers or product owners (or their products)
on the call.

Don't over-promise or under-deliver.

Don't keep people’s money despite having a guarantee. If you have a
guarantee, honor it.

The thing about webinars is that there is a lot of social proof and
emotion, and especially if you throw in a fast action bonus, and
sometimes people pull the trigger and regret it afterwards. So, make sure
that if you have a guarantee, honor it. Even if with your 30-day
guarantee, somebody requests a refund 40 days later, you try to figure out
why it is they want a refund. Either refund them or don’t. Oftentimes,
we’ll refund them because that's the right thing to do.

Overall, just be a good business owner!

One of the reasons webinars convert so well is because attendees are
spending an hour, an hour and half with you. There’s a lot of non-verbal
communication just by the way your voice is inflected, or if you have
video, and people pick up on things very intuitively, so be sincere.

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