
(itemelite) #1

be disengaged.

The remaining half, the engaged, active part of your new list... They’ll open
your emails, click your links, and they’ll buy eventually; but that doesn’t do
anything for the ad budget that you just spent to get them!

So in this chapter, what I want to talk about is making an offer on the thank you
page of your list building campaign. (NOTE: I call these ‘Thank You Funnels’
for future reference!)

Here’s how to do it:

Your thank you page is the second-most important page on your site (following
your landing page, of course). It's the page people are taken to after they opt in,
which usually says something like “Thank you for subscribing.”

I’m going to show you how to make an offer on your thank you page that moves
a new prospect over into being a fully-fledged buyer pretty quickly.

That way, you can turn that new revenue back into ad spend so you can keep
scaling your campaign.

This is also important, because once someone has made a purchase from you,
even if it's only $1, they are much more likely to buy from you again.

And just so you know, this is preferably done in video, but it can be
accomplished in a text-based page too.

Step 1: Thank Your Prospect

The first thing you want to do is thank your new prospect for taking the time to
download your lead magnet.

This is easy enough to do with a headline or the opening of the video being:

Thank you so much for downloading (insert lead magnet title here).

You can even do it in a news bar across the top of the page.

Just make sure there is a confirmation on the page or in the video somewhere.

Step 2: Confirm Arrival Times

Next, you want to tell your prospect what to expect by way of arrival.

Are they downloading the lead magnet from the page they’re on? Are they
going to be receiving it in their email? What I generally do is send it as a link
through email, and I tell them when to expect it:

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