
(itemelite) #1

Your download link will be in your inbox in 5 to 10 minutes!

Two good reasons to deliver your lead magnet link via email: it forces people to
give you a valid email address if they want to receive your lead magnet, and it
gets them used to opening your emails and clicking links in them.

Most autoresponders will send your first email instantly, but sometimes it’ll take
a few minutes to get to your prospect. A lot of that depends on network
congestion, times of the day, etc.

Ideally, you want your prospect to watch your video or read your entire thank
you page before they go check their email though. Telling them that it’ll be
ready in a few minutes serves two purposes – it keeps them there for a few
minutes and it gives your email platform a chance to send that first email.

Step 3: Position And Pivot

This step, Position And Pivot is the most important when it comes to your Thank
You Funnel succeeding.

When you put yourself in your prospects shoes, they’ve just downloaded a
report that they hope will help them solve a problem or do something better.
They haven’t seen it yet though.

So, it’s important to position the video that they’re watching as a way of
achieving their desired result faster!

You can do this by using simple language like:

Now that you’ve downloaded the 100 Most-Opened Subject Lines Report,
you’ve got a proven set of plug and play phrases that’ll get you better open
rates in your emails...
When you watch this video until the end, you’ll also be able to access the
email autoresponder sequences that’ll get your list buying your products
and services!

Another way of doing this is by posing a question:

The first question I get asked by people who download the Lines Report is
how to write the body of the email copy. What to put where.

And when you watch this video until the end, you’ll know what the best
way of writing copy is. In fact, by the time you finish this video, you’ll
know all about a piece of software that’ll write your email autoresponders
for you!

The pitch, of course, would be Scriptly’s Autoresponder Engine, but we’re not

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