
(itemelite) #1


In this chapter, we are going to talk about Q&A. The Q&A session is
probably the most important part of the entire webinar because this is
where most of the sales are going to come from. Q&A stands for
question and answer. Q&A happens throughout the presentation, and also
at the end.

As you're going through your webinar, as you are teaching, and training,
and delivering content and value, viewers are reacting to what you are
talking about. Oftentimes, they react in the form of asking questions
during presentation. They also will react when you ask them questions
looking for feedback, which is awesome. You always want to encourage
people to type into the question box, get answers, and help dictate the
way your presentation goes.

I do this in a couple of different ways. First off, you want to start off
early. If you remember in the introduction, we said that you start off by
asking, “Can everybody hear me? Can everybody see my screen?” When
you ask that, you're starting to train them to use the question box. The
next question is, “Where is everybody from?” And they start to reply
with wherever they are from. So, they are being trained to answer in the
question box.

Then what I really enjoy doing is asking questions. With selling on a
webinar, you want to hit somebody's pain point. You want to figure out
why it is they were drawn to your webinar and what they're hoping to
achieve by viewing the webinar, and also, what they hope to achieve by
buying your product. The question box can be your best friend in that

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