Mens Journal

(Steven Felgate) #1

Eat for Your Heart
Heart disease
the leading killer
of men causes
one in four deaths in the U.S.
Eating well is one of the best
weapons against the disease
and new research reveals
three specific ways to do it:

Sub in barley
Swap this whole grain for
white rice or oatmeal and
add it to soups stews and
salads. A new meta-analysis
found that barley reduces two
types of bad cholesterol by
7 percent and contains a fiber
called beta-glucan which
stops the body’s absorption
of dietary cholesterol.

Add more gInger
In a new study of 4600
adults those who consumed
ginger daily lowered
their odds of hypertension
by 8 percent and heart
disease by 13 percent. The
antioxidant-packed plant
supports the cardiovascular
system by taming
inflammation and inhibiting
a heart-damaging enzyme
researchers say and just
2 to 4 grams of fresh ginger
a day — about four or five
shaved slices — may help
prevent heart disease. Try it
in smoothies marinades
stir-fries or tea.

Don’t sweat salt
Unless you have
hypertension skimping on
salt may hurt — not help —
your heart. Data from
more than 130000 adults
showed that people who
consumed fewer than
3 grams of salt a day
actually increased their risk
of heart attack and stroke
by 34 percent compared
with those who got 4 to 5
grams. Too little sodium
may elevate levels of certain
hormones that adversely
effect the heart the study
authors say.

A Drug-Free Way
to Ease Allergies
Whether it’s fall
ragweed or year-
round pet dander that
sparks your allergies bypass
Benadryl and try taking sting-
ing nettles quercetin and
bromelain instead. These natu-
ral supplements are proved to
help fight allergies and they
work best synergistically says
Sean Zager an integrative
physician at the Sutter Health
Institute for Health and Heal-
ing in Greenbrae California.
He tells patients to look for an
herbal blend that combines
all three. You’ll avoid the
drowsiness headaches and
dry mouth that over-the-coun-
ter antihistamines often cause.
The one caveat: “They take
two weeks to build in your
system” says Zager. So give
them time. For fall outdoor
allergies start the supple-
ments a month before your
symptoms usually arise. “For
indoor or severe environmen-
tal allergies take them daily
and year-round” he says.


Any intense cardio can improve your overall health but
to maintain strong bones — especially as you age — a new
Italian study concludes you’re better off running. Research-
ers compared bone-density data from ultra-marathoners
andendurancecyclistsandfoundthatbothsportscause thebodyto
temporarily divert key proteins and calcium away from bone building
to fuel the workout. But running more than makes up for this because
it’s weight-bearing — so ever y time you plant your foot it stresses your
frame and prompts bones to grow denser and sturdier (similar to how
muscles grow and strengthen). That’s not the case in cycling however.
Whenyoucyclecalciumcontinually leachesfrombonesintothe blood-
stream and the effect weakens the skeleton over time. This doesn’t
mean giving up the bike of course. Like most things f itness-related
the study authors say the takeaway here is to mix up your workouts.

To Strengthen

Your Bones

Start Running

Long-term pot smoking is bad for your health.
FICTION (MOSTLY)In a newJAMA report people who had toked
regularly for 20 years did not have worse lung function flabbier
waistlines higher blood pressure or more inflammation than those who had
never smoked pot. (The one ramification: slightly worse oral health. Like
smoking cigarettes smoking pot affects the gums.) This study looked only at
physical health consequences however. Cognitively speaking research
suggests that marijuana could mute memory and hinder decision-making.


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