Mens Journal

(Steven Felgate) #1



I always get anxious when
swimming in the ocean. Any tips?
First I suggest wearing a diving mask. This
will allow you to see clearly above and below
the water which alone can have a calming
effect. Also always ask local surfers and
lifeguards where conditions will be safest
and gentlest. Last study the water for areas
where the waves aren’t breaking; this is
where rip currents can occur. You can tell
a rip by its path leading out to sea which
often carries kelp foam and other ocean
debris. While it’s a myth that rips tug you
under they can pull you away from shore.
ply pivot to swim parallel to the beach then
the rip current.

I’ve been hearing a lot about
3-D-printed knee replacements.
What do you make of these?
I think they’re promising. A 3-D-printed
knee implant can be customized to your
exactmeasurements. TheorthopedistsI
talked to say the joints which cost about
the same as traditional replacements are
just as strong f it better and may last lon-
ger.One problemisthetechnology is so
new — it’s been around for a few years —
that there’s little clinical data to verify those
comments. The other drawback is that right
now few companies offer orthopedic 3-D
printing and you could be placed on a long
waiting list. Bottom line: If you need a new
knee today go for the standard model. But
3-D-printed joint replacements could be our
best option in the future.

my kids do the same?
I won’t do it for my own three-year-old and
I’d recommend it for your children only if
they have a proven gluten sensitivity. I was
further convinced by a recent issue ofThe
Journal of Pediatricsin which a group of top
doctors pointed out the downside of gluten-
free diets for kids — they can increase fat and
calorie intake (packaged gluten-free foods
often have far more of both) contribute to
nutritional def iciencies and create warped
perspectives of major food groups. There are
also no proven benef its to a gluten-free diet
for those without celiac disease. (Though
putting kids on a gluten-free diet could
obscure the diagnosis if theydo have it.)

How bad is it really to use my phone
or laptop before bed?
Scrolling through Facebook before you fall
asleep isn’t a direct route to insomnia. How-
ever a broad new study did suggest that reg-
ularly using bright-light technology before
bed — particularly the blue light that phones
and tablets emit — cues the body to store more
sugar in the blood. Over time this can lead to
an increase in body fat. The solution? Switch
phones that helps limit blue light. And stick
to a five-minute time limit for devices in bed.

THE DOC IS ONLINEEmail your questions
for Dr. Bob Arnot [email protected].

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