2019-11-01 Diabetic Living Australia

(Steven Felgate) #1

Pasta is now full of beans
Slendier organic bean spaghettis and fettuccines
are wheat alternatives. Save on the kilojoules
and carbs of regular pasta, but keep all the
flavour and more. Each of these options is a
good source of protein and fibre too, meaning
you’ll feel fuller for longer after eating. Available
in soy bean, black bean and edamame bean,
from Coles, selected health food stores and
slendier.com, for $5.20 per packet.


Fish for info
Incorporating fish into
your diet doesn’t have
to be expensive. The
Australian Dietary
Guidelines recommend
at least two serves of fish
per week, preferably oily
varieties such as salmon,
tuna, mackerel, sardines
and herring. This doesn’t
always have to be fresh

  • canned fish is an
    inexpensive and
    convenient option
    to have on hand.
    Just remember
    to purchase
    canned fish in
    or olive oil,

From berries and brekkies to

beans and beyond, look for ways

to value-add to your diet, writes

our food editor, Alison Roberts

Tasty and


and try to drain off any
excess oil before adding
it to your meal.
Canned fish can be
tossed into your favourite
garden salad for a quick
and easy lunch or used in
sandwiches/wraps or to
make fish patties. Fresh
fish can be baked,
pan-fried, grilled,
barbecued or steamed.
The options are endless,
as are the nutritional
benefits and flavour
combinations. Try our
Zesty salmon with
roasted beets & spinach
on page 49 or the Soy
and salmon parcels on
page 33.


86 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2019 diabetic living

cook’s tips

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