2019-11-01 Cosmopolitan

(lily) #1


few months ago, I had a nightmare where
I could only speak in Instagram captions.
Like if I saw someone spill coffee,
I screeched, “YOU HATE TO SEE IT!!!”
Had social media ruined me? I wondered.
Then a friend said the same thing hap-
pened to her. (Literally. Unbelievable but
true.) And she found a cure: She deleted
Instagram. It hadn’t been easy but she
was happier and her mind felt clearer.
I was jealous of her Kondo-esque ele-
vated state of being, so I decided to try
it too. First, parameters: I’d erase the app
from June 1 to August 1—yes, peak Hot
Girl Summer. I gave my password to a
friend and told her to change it. I also set
goals: purge my mind of meme-speak,
break my scroll habit, and actually think
about how I felt instead of posting about it
(deep, I know). So here’s how that went....

What to do with all
these photos???
Two friends from
Texas came to visit on my
first ’gram-free day. They
are wonderful and photo-
genic, so when they did
things like sip wine on my
fire escape, I went into a
fugue state and came to
with approximately 75,000
new pictures in my camera
roll. Normally I would’ve
posted these with a cap-
tion about how “Wine and
sunsets are great, but good
friends are greater!!!” But I
had nothing to do with the
pics now. If an image sits on
your phone but never
makes it to Instagram, does
it even exist?


to fix my idiot broken brain

Hello from the other siiiiide.

“Sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,
as I am not currently on the app Instagram!!!!”

96 Cosmopolitan November 2019


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