2019-11-01 Cosmopolitan

(lily) #1


’ UO


Sadly, Mercury Retrograde is
in your sign for most of the
month, and you feel frustrated
with the word vom you’re suf-
fering from. But at least Venus
in Sagittarius is attracting
stacks of cash your way. Con-
sider it a birthday present.

You are big-time feeling
yourself! Venus is in your sign
almost all month, making you
a hottie magnet. Careful tho:
M a r s e n t e r s S c o r p i o o n t h e
19th, starting a six-week
period when you should
watch out for exes.

Eep! Mercury Retrograde has
you feeling pretty GD broke.
It’s tearing up your chart’s
zone of finances, so save,
save, save any extra cash you
c a n. ( Cl o s e o u t t a t h a t f o o d -
delivery app. You have pasta
you literally just bought.)

You’re so over your job,
mostly bc your coworkers are
driving you nuts. It’s not you,
it’s them! (Okay, it’s a lil bit
you too.) Luckily, Venus in
Sagittarius gives you time to
unwind, so take a day off to
re-binge Euphoria.

(12.22– 01.19)
Uh, there’s a lot going down
in your 12th house (it rules the
e n d in g o f c y c l e s), s o e x p e c t
fallings-out. That said, Venus
enters your sign on the 25th,
bringing you tons of good
l u c k in l ov e *a n d* m o n e y. S o
yeah, you’ll live.

You’re a textbook wallflower,
but this month, you are in full
effing bloom and don’t care
who sees. You have a lot of
feels you need to get out
(good on you!), but make sure
you’re listening just as much
a s yo u’re s p e a k in g u p.

Yo u’re h a v in g is s u e s a t
home—mainly, that impulse-
buy cat lamp you now hate.
Good thing now is the ideal
t im e t o s w i t c h u p yo u r d e c o r.
You’ll feel so much better
once you smash that IKEA
checkout button.

Oof, Mars enters Scorpio on
the 19th, making everything
a t h o m e f e e l l ike t h e h o t t e s t
mess. Think: arguing with the
fam, passive-aggressive texts
from roomies...ugh. But with
Venus in Sagittarius, you’ll at
least get some Tinder DMs?

Breathe. Everyone’s been
stressing you out lately,
making you recede into
your shell. But once Mer-
c u r y Re t ro g ra d e e n d s a n d
Venus enters Capricorn on
the 25th, you’ll finally feel
like reemerging...maybe.

Yo u r d a t in g l i f e is o n f ire!
Venus (the planet of love) is in
your chart’s relationships
zone, and Mars (hi, libido) is
in your sex zone—ow, ow.
It’s almost hot enough to
make up for how much your
job is killing you rn.

I f yo u’re t r y in g t o g e t b o o’d
up, this could be your month—
but! You’ve gotta wait until
Mars enters Scorpio on the
19th and Mercury Retrograde
ends the next day. Both will
deliver your work schedule
some much-needed chill.

Bad news: The moodiness of
Scorpio season sucks for you.
Good news: Sag season kicks
off November 22nd and it’s
the start of your best month of
the fall. Just a heads-up for
now tho (and this is a big
one): Pay. Your. Bills.




The very
of 2019 is

It ends
TBH, cannot
come soon
enough (omg,
this year). And
it’s fitting,
really, that this
is happening in
moody, secre-
tive Scorpio,
the sign of
finished cycles
and transforma-
tion. The final
Retrograde will
leave you
rethinking and
your past, your
goals, and
what you
*don’t* want—
from your
By the time it’s
all done, you’ll
be ready to
tell your
habits and
thoughts to
GTFO so you
can finish this
crazy year on a
way better note
than it started!


November 2019 Cosmopolitan 73
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