2019-11-01 Cosmopolitan

(lily) #1
Sorry, Virgos.
(And everyone
As the most humani-
tarian sign and
intellectual to boot,
they were basically
born to rule. (See:
Abe Lincoln and

Weird, right? But
Scorps possess the
sort of magnetism
that draws people
right in. Teddy Roos-
evelt + his ’stache =
Big Scorpio Energy.

Duh. The attention-
seeking, born-
leader fire sign will
take your votes. We
see you, Barack

Also surprising,
but also not really:
Cancer is the most
nurturing sign,
which is one of the
most important qual-
ities in a president.

Hard workers
who like flashy
rewards, Caps have
what it takes to
keep their eyes on
the prize for
literally ever, even
if it means running
multiple times.

Libras are sooo
likable, if only
because they can
flip-flop on their
opinions like no
one else, basically
appealing to every-
one. (Sorry, but
it’s true.)

slammed by Saturn
next year, Bernie
Sanders’ chart will
get seriously shit on
by Mercury and
Mars Retrogrades in
November 2020,
and Joe Biden’s chart
is, well, downright
unremarkable. And
yes, at press time, all
these names were
still in the race. Don’t
@ me if Warren
drops out to start a
c o l o ny o n M a rs o r
Warren has a Sun
in Cancer and Moon
in Taurus, so she has
emotional depth,
loves taking care of
others, and exudes a
sense of chill. Her
chart also has

Mercury conjunct
w it h M a rs in G e mini,
which means she’s a
powerful teacher
and communicator.
For much of 2020,
S a t u r n w il l b e a c t i -
vating Warren’s yod,
a rare configuration
in a birth chart that
in her case includes

Jupiter (philosophy
and generosity) in
Aquarius. Transla-
tion: This is a prime
opportunity for her to
make huge changes
in the world.
There’s more:
On Super Tuesday,
March 3rd, when
m a ny s t a t e s vo t e o n
who a party’s nomi-
nee will be, Warren’s
north node (it repre-
sents fate, gain, and
progression) will
activate her Sun in
Cancer. Basically,
t his w il l b e a *ve r y*
important time in her
life. And on June
21st, the day before

her birthday and just
weeks before the
Democratic National
Convention, a solar
eclipse (bringing
sudden opportuni-
ties) will happen
right on top of her
Sun sign, almost
down to the exact
minute. This is an
incredibly rare
occurrence—and a
tremendous turning
point for Warren. It’s
going to be a very,
ve r y b us y t im e f o r
h e r, p ro b a b l y in a
very, very good way.

The Trump card
Donald Trump’s chart
is exactly what you’d
expect: Gemini Sun,

Sagittarius Moon,

he talks a lot, he’s

every thought, and
h e l ove s t o s o a k u p
the limelight.
During the week
of Super Tuesday, the
Sun in Pisces will
f o r m a s q u a re t o his
Sun in Gemini—a
twice-a-year event
that signals a
moment of chal-
lenges and conflicts.
S o eve n if h e g e t s t h e
Republican nom in a
landslide, it won’t
feel easy for him.
A few months
later, the Republican
National Convention
will kick off on
August 24th, which
happens to be the
only major election-
related day of the
year when Trump has
any beneficial stuff
in his horoscope.
The Sun will be in
Virgo, forming a
conjunction to
Trump’s Ascendant
and giving him a
moment of recogni-
tion, excitement,
and new beginnings.
So he’ll probably
give a big speech
(although, honestly,
what else is new?).
Looking way
ahead to Election
Day of next year,

Saturn and Pluto: Name a
more iconically, rudely, wildly
messy duo. I’ll wait.

*huge* transits
going on. Remember
that Saturn-Pluto con-
junction? Well, it’ll
be forming a trine to
Trump’s Midheaven,
a point in his chart
representing career,
public image, and
reputation. Trines
are considered
harmonious and
easygoing, buuut
since the Saturn-Pluto
conjunction is all
about, y’know,
massive transforma-
t io ns, it l o o k s like his
status could be
Oh, also, an
asteroid called Pallas
Athene, the zodiac’s
i c o n o f f e minis m a n d
female empower-
ment, will be chilling
with Saturn and
Pluto, which isn’t the
most spectacular
news for Mr. Trump.
Just saying!
And on Inaugura-
tion Day in 2021, he
has...nothing major
going on in his chart.
Zero. Nada. Zilch.
And that’s it. Of
course, none of this
means anything if
you don’t, uh, vote.
This isn’t some
cosmic get-out-of-
free card, mmmkay?
(Seriously, though,
go vote.)










November 2019 Cosmopolitan 75
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