
(Frankie) #1

(^40) Winter 2019
Missie Carpenter
I was exposed to art as a child watching my mother enjoy tole painting, garden club and neighborhood door
decorating contests as long as I can remember. She got me active in painting in a tole painting class as soon as I
was old enough when I was 12. I felt quite grown up and excited to join her at a real class to learn to paint! I also
joined her in wood carving workshops about that age.At the age of 14 my father and I built a fancy colonial doll
house together with cedar shake roof tops, cedar siding and bricks. I learned how to chisel out the brick mortar
shape as well as cut those cedar shakes! My father built wonderful shaker styled furniture that my whole family
cherishes. I loved helping him sand and oil the beautiful wood. As for sewing, memories of watching my mother
sew clothing for me and letting me choose the fancy stitches for the hems began my interest in sewing for my little
troll doll at about age 10. Ahhh, fond memories...I guess you could say that love of art is in my blood, passed down
by both of my parents.
Julie Hendricksen
The color combinations found in
nature are truly an inspiration. I live
in the Midwest and the colors in fall
are especially spectacular. One only
needs to sit on the porch and glance
out at the yard to see every shade
of green imaginable or glance at the
planters and see all the variations
of color in just one flower. When
picking fabrics for a quilt, I walk
around the store and pick every
possible fabric in the colors I am
considering. All the shades make
for an interesting combination. The
more fabrics the better.
Suzanne Wenzlick
From as early as I can remember, art has always been a very important part
of my life. My sister Nanette and I both received the gift of drawing from
our aunt Allison and uncle Hugh. I was able to draw at a young age and
had my first art show in second grade, which included crayon drawings of
birds. Growing up, my favorite gifts were always art supplies. In school, I
took all the art classes I possibly could. My two degrees in college were Art
and Fashion Design & Merchandising. I would even draw people's pets and
create custom designed business cards for extra spending money. I think
having this art background has helped me become a better designer and
quilter. I even have a quilt pattern series where a bird is the color inspiration
of the quilts. In the bird series quilt patterns I have included a bird note card
drawing that was the inspiration for the quilt. That way if you make the quilt
and give it as a gift, you get the bird note card to give with it. I think being
creative and artistic is a gift, and my daughter Alayna also received that
wonderful gift. I enjoy seeing her grow into a talented artist. It's a wonderful
feeling to be creative and I am blessed that I get to create every day.

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